Invalidate Cache¶
The Administration Tool of Virtual DataPort is deprecated and it may be removed in future major versions of the Denodo Platform.
We strongly suggest that all users transition to Design Studio. The main benefit of Design Studio is that all users of your organization immediately have access to a development environment of Virtual DataPort; they do not need to install (and update) the Administration Tool on their computer.
The page Features Deprecated in Denodo Platform lists all the features that are deprecated.
The Invalidate Cache tool can invalidate the cache of several views at once. To open it, click the menu Tools > Invalidate Cache. The section Configuring the Cache of a View explains what the cache of a view is and the effect of invalidating it.
To invalidate the cache content of one or more views, select these views and click Invalidate.
Select Invalidate on cascade to invalidate the cache of all the underlying views of the selected views.
Example: there is a view named V3, which is a projection of the base views BV1 and BV2. If you invalidate the cache on cascade of the view V3, the Server will invalidate the cached data of the views V3, BV1 and BV2.
The cache of views with “Full” cache mode cannot be invalidated on cascade. In the previous example, if the cache mode of BV1 is Full, it will not be invalidated.
In addition, the Invalidate on cascade check box is disabled when a view with “Full” cache is selected. That is because the cache of these views cannot be invalidated on cascade.

Invalidate Cache tool¶