Tool Preferences

To change the settings of the Administration Tool, click Tools > Admin Tool Preferences.

You can change settings related to:


In this wizard you configure if you want the Administration Tool to login using the standard authentication or the Kerberos authentication.

The section Configuring the Administration Tool to Use Kerberos Authentication explains how to configure the Kerberos authentication in the Administration Tool.


The Locale configuration of the Administration Tool controls the appearance of data that depends on the user’s locale.


This preference does not change the internationalization preferences of the Virtual DataPort server. See section Configuring the Default Internationalization for information about changing this preference of the server.

The Administration Tool is a client of the Virtual DataPort server and as any other client, it has its own i18n settings. When you execute a query from the “Execute” dialog of the view, the Tool automatically adds the CONTEXT clause with the i18n of the Tool. I.e.: CONTEXT ("i18n" = 'us_pst')

The queries executed from the VQL Shell Tool are sent to the Server unmodified so they will be executed with the i18n of the database.

Connection Parameters

In this dialog, you can configure the following parameters of the connection between the Administration Tool and the Virtual DataPort server:

  • Query timeout (milliseconds): Maximum time the Administration Tool will wait for a query to finish. If zero, it will wait indefinitely until the sentence ends.

    The administrator of a Virtual DataPort server can set the maximum time that an Administration Tool can remain connected to a server without activity. The maximum idle time is configured at server level so all Administration Tool instances obey to the setting.

    This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, execute this command:you can enable it using the following command:

    SET 'com.denodo.vdb.connection.admintool.maxIdleTimeInMinutes' = '<value>';

    To disable this feature, execute this:

    SET 'com.denodo.vdb.connection.admintool.maxIdleTimeInMinutes' = NULL;
  • Chunk Timeout (milliseconds): It establishes the maximum time that the Server waits before returning a new block to the Tool. When this time is surpassed, the Server sends the current block even if it does not contain the number of results specified in the Chunk Size parameter.


    If Chunk size and Chunk timeout are zero, the Server returns all the results in a single block. If both values are different from 0, the Server returns a chunk whenever one of these conditions happen:

    • The chunk is filled (Chunk size)

    • Or, after a certain time of not sending any chunk to the client (Chunk timeout).

  • Chunk size (rows): The results obtained by executing a sentence can be divided into blocks (chunks), so the Virtual DataPort Server does not have to wait until a sentence ends, to send the processed tuples to the Tool.

    This parameter establishes the maximum number of results that a block can contain.

    When the Server obtains enough results to complete a block, it sends this block to the client and continues processing the next results.

  • User agent: Virtual DataPort publishes several JMX MBeans that provide information about the connection and queries executed by each client. Among others, these MBeans publish the attribute “user agent”. When this administration tool connects to Virtual DataPort, the user agent reported by the MBeans will be the value entered in this box.

    See more about the JMX MBeans published by Virtual DataPort in the section Monitoring with a Java Management Extensions (JMX) Agent.

  • Maximum number of active connections: maximum number of active connections opened by the Tool.

  • Maximum waiting time to obtain a connection: maximum time in milliseconds the Tool will wait for a connection before showing an error. If -1, the Tool will wait indefinitely.

  • Use WAN optimized communications: If selected, the communications with the server will be optimized for high latency networks. May reduce performance if used in LAN environments.

  • Use only SSL communications: If selected, the communication with the server will be forced to be secured (recommended when the Server uses SSL). If SSL is disabled on the Virtual DataPort server, the communication will fail.

VCS Configuration

In this dialog, you can configure the VCS settings of the Administration Tool. The section VCS Settings of the Administration Tool explains the options of this dialog.

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