Trace Viewer¶
The Administration Tool of Virtual DataPort is deprecated and it may be removed in future major versions of the Denodo Platform.
We strongly suggest that all users transition to Design Studio. The main benefit of Design Studio is that all users of your organization immediately have access to a development environment of Virtual DataPort; they do not need to install (and update) the Administration Tool on their computer.
The page Features Deprecated in Denodo Platform lists all the features that are deprecated.
After executing a statement, you can save the execution in a zip file. The Trace viewer allows you to load these files. To open these, click the menu Tools > Trace viewer and select the file that contains the execution details of a query.
Its main use is to analyze the execution trace of queries that were executed in the past or in another administration tool.

Execution results in the Trace viewer¶

Execution trace in the Trace viewer¶