Design Studio Preferences¶
Design Studio has a local configuration page where you can configure settings like connection settings between this Design Studio and Virtual DataPort, Kerberos authentication, etc.
The preferences of Design Studio affect all the users of this Design Studio, regardless of the Virtual DataPort server the users connect to.
To open Design Studio preferences go to one of these URLs:
Design Studio of the Solution Manager:
Design Studio of a Denodo Platform installation:
This URL is disabled when accessing Design Studio from Agora.
If you have not enabled HTTPS yet, the port is 19090 for Solution Manager and 9090 for Denodo Platform.
The preferences page of Design Studio has its own password to log in (default: “admin”), which is separate from any other account. This account does not give actual access to the main functionalities of Design Studio, only to its configuration.
Click the menu Configuration to open:
Change password: to change the password to log in to this page.
Connection Options¶
In this dialog, you can configure the following parameters of the connection between Design Studio and Virtual DataPort.

Connection options¶
Options related to the execution of queries
Query timeout (milliseconds): maximum time Design Studio will wait for a query to finish. If zero, it will wait indefinitely until the sentence ends.
Chunk Timeout (milliseconds): maximum time that Virtual DataPort will wait before returning a new block to Design Studio. When this time is surpassed, the Server sends the current block even if it does not have the number of results specified in the Chunk Size parameter.
If Chunk size and Chunk timeout are zero, the Server returns all the results in a single block. If both values are different from 0, the Server returns a chunk whenever one of these conditions happen:
The chunk is filled (Chunk size)
Or, after a certain time of not sending any chunk to the client (Chunk timeout).
Chunk size (rows): The results obtained by executing a sentence can be divided into blocks (chunks), so the Virtual DataPort Server does not have to wait until a sentence ends, to send the processed tuples to Design Studio.
This parameter sets the maximum number of results that a block can hold.
When the Server obtains enough results to complete a block, it sends this block to the client and continues processing the next results.
Other connection options
Maximum number of active connections: maximum number of active connections opened by Design Studio, per session.
When a user logs in, Design Studio creates a pool of connections with Virtual DataPort, on behalf of this user. Maximum number of active connections is the maximum number of connections of each one of these pools. When a user does something that requires executing a command in Virtual DataPort (e.g., create a view, publish a web service…), Design Studio obtains a connection from the pool of this user, executes the command for this action and returns the connection to the pool.
There is one pool per session, not per user. That is, if the same user logs in from two separate browsers, Design Studio will open two pools of connections for this user.
This setting does not affect the VQL Shell because it does not obtain the connection from the pool; each tab of the VQL Shell has its own connection that remains open until the user closes the VQL Shell, the user logs out or the user’s session expires.
Default value: 20. This value is adequate for any scenario.
Maximum waiting time to obtain a connection: maximum time in milliseconds Design Studio will wait for a connection before showing an error. If you enter “-1”, Design Studio will wait indefinitely.
Use WAN optimized communications: if selected, the communications with the server will be optimized for high latency networks. May reduce performance if used in LAN environments.
Use only SSL communications: if selected, the communication with the server will be forced to be secured. If SSL is disabled on the Virtual DataPort server, the communication will fail.
Connect only to allowed Virtual DataPort Server hostnames: if it is on, Design Studio only allows users to connect to the Virtual DataPort servers you add to Allowed Virtual DataPort Server hostnames. The URLs of this list must follow the format
(the port is optional). For
, etc. Otherwise, Design Studio can open a connection to any Virtual DataPort the user enters in the login page.When you enable this feature, the login page of Design Studio displays a drop-down with the hostnames you enter here, so they do not have to remember the hostname they want to connect to.
Options related to the User Agent
The page Setting the User Agent of an Application explains what is the user agent of a connection.
By default, all the connections Design Studio opens with Virtual DataPort use the “user agent” Denodo-Web-Design-Studio. To use a different value, switch on Custom user agent and change the value.
Alternatively, you can configure Design Studio to pass on the HTTP header “User-Agent” of the users’ browser that connects to Design Studio. That is, if a user connects to Design Studio with the browser Firefox, the user agent of the connections opened to Virtual DataPort on behalf of this user will be something like “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0”. To do this, switch on Use the header User-agent of the user’s browser.
Use a different user agent for “Execute and download” queries: if it is on, all requests originated by the feature Execute and download will have the user agent Denodo-Web-Design-Studio-Export, regardless of if you switch on or off Use the header User-agent of the user’s browser. Instead of using Denodo-Web-Design-Studio-Export, you can set a different value, with Use a custom user agent for “Execute and download” queries. The Execute and download requests are the requests sent by Design Studio when a user clicks Execute and download in the VQL Shell or in the tab Query of the Summary of a view.
With the option Use a different user agent for “Execute and download” queries, the administrator of Design Studio can achieve two goals:
Monitoring: audit which users clicked Execute and download (the column User agent of the “queries” log of Denodo Monitor records this information).
Restrict what users can use Execute and download. To do this, the administrator has to enable this option and create a global security policy.
Take into account administrators are not affected by the global security policies, so in this scenario, administrators will still be able to click Execute and download but the activity will be monitored.
CREATE GLOBAL_SECURITY_POLICY deny_execute_and_download_from_design_studio
ALL ABAC ('userAgent' = 'Denodo-Web-Design-Studio-Export')
We suggest that for auditing purposes, the administrators should log all the SELECT statements, not just rely on this, because users that have credentials to log in to Virtual DataPort and run queries can probably do so from other client applications (e.g., Tableau, PowerBI, DBVisualizer…), which will allow them to execute any query and save the result to a file. So only logging what users click Execute and download in Design Studio or click Save in the Administration Tool does not protect the organization from unauthorized data leaks.
Kerberos Settings¶
This section only applies if you connect directly to Design Studio of the Denodo Platform installation
) and you want to use Kerberos authentication.
We recommend using Design Studio of the Solution Manager (
) because the Solution Manager provides a single point of access to all the Denodo components, not just Design Studio. In addition, users will be able to use more Single Sign On protocols like OAuth or SAML, not just Kerberos, to log in to Design Studio. In this case and if you enabled Single Sign On (SSO) on the Solution Manager, these steps are unnecessary. The
Solution Manager provides a menu to configure Kerberos for all components included with the Solution Manager
Installation, including Design Studio. The Kerberos Configuration describes how to
configure the Kerberos authentication using the Solution Manager.
In this wizard you enable Single Sign On (SSO) on Design Studio using Kerberos authentication when you access Design Studio of a Denodo Platform installation.
To enable single sign-on (SSO), you must enable Kerberos in both Design Studio and the Virtual DataPort server. This section describes the configuration options for Design Studio. To enable Kerberos authentication in the Virtual DataPort server follow the instructions of the section Kerberos Authentication of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.

Kerberos settings¶
Select Use Kerberos to enable Kerberos.
In the box Server Principal, enter the “Service Principal Name” (SPN) used to create the keytab file. That is, the SPN with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the computer in which Design Studio is running. For example, “HTTP/”.
If you are going to access Design Studio through a load balancer, the SPN must be the FQDN of the domain name registered in the load balancer.
In the field Keytab file, drag and drop the keytab file over the specified area or click it to open a file explorer to select the file. If a key tab file was previously uploaded, it will be shown and you could use the trash icon to delete it.
Leave the Kerberos configuration file box empty unless the host where this Design Studio runs does not belong to a Kerberos realm (e.g., a Windows Active Directory domain). If this host does not belong to a Kerberos realm, do one of the following:
a. Drag and drop the
file with the Kerberos settings over the specified area or click it to open a file explorer to select the file. If a configuration file was previously uploaded, it will be shown and you could use the trash icon to delete it. b. Or follow the steps described in the appendix Enabling Kerberos Authentication Without Joining a Kerberos Realm.We recommend selecting the check box Activate Kerberos debug mode the first time you set up Kerberos in case you run into any issues. Once Kerberos is working, disable this.
When this option is enabled, check the appendix How to Debug Kerberos in Web Applications of the Installation Guide to learn how to see the debug information.
After saving the Kerberos configuration, restart Design Studio to have these changes take effect. The next time
the users access Design Studio, they will not need to provide their username and password, because the browser
will send the Kerberos credentials of their system. For this to work, they need to access using the full
qualified URL (FQDN) configured in step 2. For example,

Authentication dialog with Single Sign-On¶
The users can provide the URI of the Virtual DataPort server, by adding the parameter uri
to the URL. If they do it,
Design Studio will try to authenticate them against that server without showing authentication page. For example:
Informative Message¶
You can add an informative message that will be displayed to all users when they log in to Design Studio. The message can be used to display a welcome message, inform users when the service is expected to be down for maintenance, legal disclaimers, etc.

Sample informative message¶
To customize the message you can use the editor with the tools available. If you feel more comfortable working with HTML,
click to see and edit the HTML. Click Ok to save the
Application Settings¶
In this dialog you configure several settings of Design Studio:
Enable community resources: enable or disable the suggestions that Design Studio displays when the users click the help button
The suggestions could include documentation, expert trails, KB documents, videos, tutorials, test drives, free trials, training courses, certification exams or blog posts.
To be able to show these suggestions, when a user logs in to Design Studio, the browser sends a request to an API of “” to obtain the names and links to these community resources.
This is enabled by default.
Enable browser storage: Design Studio stores in the users’ browser several settings, for the convenience of the user. Among others:
The content of the VQL Shell, including the Execution logs so users can see their own queries the next time they log in.
The tabs that we opened the last time the user logged in.
VQL panel of elements in Design Studio: store in the users’ browser the options selected by the user the last time the user opened this panel.
Dialogs “Import”, “Export” and “Export Database” of the menu “File”: remember the latest selected options.
This feature uses the local storage of the browser of each user so this feature will not work for users that log in to Design Studio using a private window of the browser.
This is enabled by default. Design Studio stores these settings every minute.
Maximum number of rows displayed: Design Studio limits the number of rows that the VQL Shell and the Query panel display because if it displayed all the results of the queries, the browser of the user could crash. For example, if the user executed a query that returns one million rows, the browser would not be able to display that.
Default value: 1,000 rows.
This setting does not affect Execute and Download, which can obtain all the rows.
Disable “Execute and download” feature: with this feature, the Execute and Download option will be disabled on the VQL Shells and the Query panel for all users.
The feature “Execute and download” is enabled by default.
Maximum number of rows returned by the “Execute and download” feature: with this feature, you can set a limit on the number of rows the “Execute and Download” feature will retrieve.
Default value: 500,000 rows.
Disable “Copy displayed results to clipboard” feature: with this feature, the Copy displayed results to clipboard option will be disabled on the VQL Shells and the Query panel for all users.
This is disabled by default. That is, by default, users can use Copy displayed results to clipboard.
Disable the Preferences Page of Design Studio¶
The administrator can disable the preferences page of Design Studio. The benefit of disabling this is that only users with access to the computer where Design Studio runs can change the settings. However, it is also more cumbersome because the administrator will have to change manually the configuration file of Design Studio (i.e., <DENODO_HOME>/conf/design-studio/
) and restart Design Studio when changing any of the properties of this file.
To disable the preferences page of Design Studio, follow these steps:
Open the file
and add this:weblogin.enabled=false
Stop Design Studio.
To stop it, you can execute the script
or with the Control Center.Wait a few seconds and try to access Design Studio. You should get the error 404. The page you requested was not found. This is to verify that the service is stopped.
Start Design Studio.
To start it, you can execute the script
or with the Control Center.
After this, if users go to the preferences page (“/denodo-design-studio/#/web-local-login”), Design Studio will redirect them to the standard login page.
To restore access to the preferences page, set the value of weblogin.enabled
to true
or remove the property.