Main Areas of Design Studio¶
Design Studio has three main areas: the menu, the Server Explorer and the Work Space.
Some of the menus and submenus of the menu bar are:
New: to create folders, data sources, views, etc.
Export and Export database: to export the metadata of the entire server or the metadata of one or more databases, respectively.
Import: to import the VQL statements stored in a file.
The section Exporting and Importing the Server Metadata explains how to use the dialogs “Export database”, “Export” and “Import”.
Extension management: to import extensions and drivers to the server. I.e. jar files containing custom functions, custom wrappers…; the JDBC drivers of databases that are not included with the Denodo Platform.
Refresh: it refreshes the content of Design Studio if there have been changes in the metadata of Virtual DataPort. This is useful if for example, you just created an element in the VQL Shell and you want to see it in the Server Explorer (the tree on the left-hand side).
Using the Design Studio VQL Shell: shell to execute SQL and VQL statements.
Trace viewer: tool to load information about the execution of a query that was stored in a zip file using the Save button of the tab Query Results.
Design Studio Query Monitor: tool to monitor the queries that the Server is currently executing.
Web services container: they show the dialogs to manage the Denodo Web services.
OAuth credentials wizards: contains two submenus to open the OAuth 1.0a wizard and the OAuth 2.0 wizard. See more about these wizards in the section OAuth Authentication.
Server Explorer
The panel of the left side is called Server Explorer. It lists all the databases of Virtual DataPort; and for each database, its data sources, base views, derived views, stored procedures, etc. These elements can be organized in Folders so they can be found easily.
To open the contextual menu over a element of the Server Explorer, hover the mouse over the desired element (database, view, folder, etc.) and a three dots button will show up on the right side of the element. Click on that button to open the contextual menu.

Design Studio Server Explorer¶
Using the Server Explorer, you can do, among others, the following actions:
Create new elements: click on the three dots of a database or a folder, click New and then, select the desired element of the submenu.
Rename an element: click on the three dots of the element and click Rename.
Delete an element: click on the three dots of the element and click Drop.
Copy and Paste an element: click on the three dots of the element and click Copy. Then, click on the three dots of the target folder and then, Paste. As there cannot be two elements with the same name, even if they are in different folders, you will have to provide a name for the new element.
Move an element to another folder: drag an element and drop it into another folder. You cannot move an element between two databases.
See the properties of an element: click on the three dots of the element and click Properties. In this dialog, you can see information about the selected element such as owner, description, date of creation and last modification, etc.
Show a view in the GraphQL service: click on the three dots of the view and click Open GraphQL service.
Show a view in the OData service: click on the three dots of the view and click Open OData service.
Expand and collapse all the nodes of the Server Explorer: click on the three dots of the database or a folder and click Expand all or Collapse all.
Click Discover associations (only applies to JDBC base views) to analyze if in the database of the JDBC data source, there are foreign key constraints between the tables of the base views of this data source. If there are, Design Studio shows a dialog that will allow you to create associations that mirror these foreign key constraints. The process of discovering associations works in the same way as when you discover the associations during the creation of JDBC base views (described in the section Creating Base Views from a JDBC Data Source). However, if an association is already defined, Design Studio will not list it.
It is possible to perform actions over multiple elements at the same time. To do that, hold the Ctrl key and click the elements you want to select. A multiple selection menu will show up at the bottom of the server explorer with the actions available.

Design Studio Server Explorer multiple selection menu¶
You can create a view from several views and, delete or move several elements at the same time by selecting these elements and performing the desired action. For example, to delete two views at the same do the following:
Hold the Ctrl key.
Click on these two views.
In the multiple selection menu, click More > Drop.
Above the Server Explorer, you can find the Quick Search. Type the name of the element you are looking for or select the type of that element.
Design Studio stores in the user’s browser several settings to make it more user friendly. Among others:
The content of the VQL Shell, including the Execution logs so users can see their own queries the next time they log in.
VQL panel of elements in Design Studio: store in the users’ browser the options selected by the user the last time the user opened this panel.
Dialogs “Import”, “Export” and “Export Database” of the menu “File”: remember the latest selected options.
Design Studio stores these settings every minute.
This feature uses the local storage of the browser of each user to store their own information. The administrator of Design Studio can disable this for all users, in the Design Studio Preferences.