Virtual DataPort Server Configuration¶
To begin using the VCS integration, configure the VCS settings of the Virtual DataPort server. To do this, click VCS management on the menu Administration and then, click Configuration.

VCS configuration screen¶
Configure the following parameters:
Use version control. Select it to enable the Version Control System support.
After this, you have to enable it in the databases where you want to use the VCS integration (see section Environment Management). By default, it is disabled for all the databases.
Environment. Shows the selected environment. The first time you configure the VCS integration, there is no selected environment.
Version control system. Default version control system.
URL. The path to the root of the version control repository.
Example for GIT:
Although it is not mandatory, we recommend adding a
to the URL, as it will be easier to add development branches in the future if we begin to work with branches from the start.
Use default branch (only for Git): if selected, the “default branch” of the VCS system of Virtual DataPort will be the default branch of this repository. If cleared, enter the branch you want to use by default (the branch needs to exist in the repository).
The VCS system uses this “default branch” for two things:
When you import a new database from a Git repository, the VCS system will list the Denodo databases stored in this branch. Once you import a database, you can change its branch.
When you enable VCS on an existing database (that is, a database that already exists on this server but it is not synchronized with a Git repository). The dialog to enable VCS on a database has a field to enter the Git branch associated with this database. The value of this field is the default branch but you can change it.
Authentication: the available options depend on the VCS system.
Use user and password. Virtual DataPort will connect to the remote repository using the user and password you enter.
Use Kerberos. Virtual DataPort will obtain a Kerberos ticket using the user and password provided and use this ticket to connect to the repository.
Use Pass-through session credentials. Virtual DataPort will use the credentials of the user that logs in to Virtual DataPort and requests to do a Git operation.
Use SSH keys. Follow these steps to connect to Git using SSH authentication:
Log in to the computer where Virtual DataPort runs, with the same user account you use to start Virtual DataPort.
In this computer, check that the Git server is in the “known hosts” file of this computer (usually located in
on Linux and%USERPROFILE%\.ssh\known_hosts
on Windows).If this file does not exist or does not contain an entry for the Git server, run this command:
ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519,ssh-rsa,ssh-dss <host name of the Git server>
Execute the command below to generate an SSH key pair. The keys cannot have passphrase.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
If you are using a legacy system that does not support the Ed25519 algorithm, use:
ssh-keygen -t rsa-sha2-256 -C "<>" -b 4096 -m PEM
This generates two files in the
directory of your home directory:id_rsa
(the private key)
(the public key).Upload the public key (
) to the Git server. The administrator of this Git repository will be able to help you to do this.
Local repositories home. Directory where the Server will create the local repositories for the databases with VCS enabled.
After disabling and enabling the VCS integration or changing the “URL” of the VCS server, all the VCS metadata will be lost. That is, you will have to check in again all the elements of the databases you want to version.
When using the support for GIT, the pull operations are performed with a fetch followed by a rebase.