Search Engines¶
In the Search engines dialog you can configure search index for a Virtual DataPort server. It is possible to enable the search by content in all the views of that server and metadata search in index.
Index Servers¶
Data Catalog supports two types of index servers:
Scheduler Index.
Elasticsearch. This is the recommended option for big indices (order of GB) to search by content, using an Elasticsearch server running on cluster.
Scheduler Index Server is disabled in Agora.
To enable an index search for a Virtual DataPort server, follow these steps:
Log in the Data Catalog with an administrator account and go to Administration > Set-up and management > Search engines. In the Index servers tab you can configure the index servers.
Dialog to configure the index servers¶
Click the Add server button to register an index server and enter the following values:
Name. The name of the index server.
Description. A description for the index server.
Type. Select between
Scheduler Index
orElasticsearch 7.x
.Host. The hostname of the machine where the index server is running.
Port. The port of the index server.
Login and Password. The credentials of the account used to connect to the server index. They are optional.
Use secure connection. Enable this option to connect to the index server through a SSL/TLS channel. This option is only available for Elasticsearch servers.
Dialog to add an index server¶
Content Search¶
To enable search by content for a Virtual DataPort server, follow these steps:
Create a search index for the server using the VDPIndexer job in Scheduler.
Go to the Content search tab. In the Assign index server section you can configure the search index assigned to each Virtual DataPort server registered in Data Catalog.
Dialog to configure the search index for the registered Virtual DataPort servers¶
The table lists all registered Virtual DataPort servers. The Configured column indicates if the Virtual DataPort server has a search index configured or not, with one of the following values:
The search index is properly configured
The search index is unreachable or is not properly configured
The search index has not been configured yet
Click the
icon next to a Virtual DataPort server in order to configure its search index. The following dialog will appear.
Dialog to assign a search index to a Virtual DataPort server¶
Fulfill the form as follows:
Index type. Select the type of the search index between
Scheduler Index
orElasticsearch 7.x
.Index server. Select the index server you have previously configured in the Index servers tab. The drop-down will only show the name of the servers of the selected type.
Index name. Enter the name of the search index you have created in the step #1.
Optionally, you can configure the snippets shown as a preview in the search results for the current server.
In the Assign index server section, you can configure the fields that will be used in the search result snippet for a specific view:
Click the Configure search snippets button next to the Virtual DataPort server you are connected to. You will see the following dialog.
Dialog to configure the fields in the search result snippet for a view¶
The Views panel lists all the views contained in the search index following the pattern
<view name> (database name)
You need the
privilege on a view for it to appear in the Views panel.Select a view from the list. The All fields panel will appear showing all the fields indexed for that view.
Compose the list of fields in the search result snippet for the view as follows:
To add a field to the search result snippet, drag-and-drop it to the Selected fields panel.
To add several fields to the search result snippet, select them and click the
To remove a field from the search result snippet, click the
icon next to its name.
To remove several fields from the search result snippet, select them and click the
To reorder the fields in the search result snippet, select some fields and use the
icons to move them upwards or downwards.
In the Global parameters section, you can configure the following settings, which will affect all the snippets in the search results:
Global parameters are disabled in Agora.
Default number of fields in search results summary. If you have not configured the search result snippet for a view, the number of fields to be shown. The fields are chosen according to its order in the view schema.
Maximum number of results per entity in search results summary. The maximum number of rows to be shown in the search result snippet.
Dialog to configure the global parameters for the search results snippets¶
The search index configured for a server may not contain all its views (i.e. some views could have been indexed, but not all of them), or all the data of all the views (i.e. some views could have been indexed partially). In this case, the searches will be restricted to the indexed views and tuples.
Metadata Search¶
Metadata search is disabled in Agora.
To enable metadata search in index for a Virtual DataPort server, follow these steps:
Go to the Metadata search tab. In this section you can configure a metadata index to each Virtual DataPort server registered in Data Catalog.
Dialog to configure the metadata index for the registered Virtual DataPort servers¶
The table lists all registered Virtual DataPort servers. The Configured column indicates if the Virtual DataPort server has a metadata index configured or not, with one of the following values:
The metadata index is properly configured
The metadata index is unreachable or is not properly configured
The metadata index has not been configured yet
Click the
icon next to a Virtual DataPort server in order to configure its metadata index. The following dialog will appear.
Dialog to assign a metadata index to a Virtual DataPort server¶
Fulfill the form as follows:
Metadata index type. For now, it is only allowed to select
Scheduler Index
.Metadata index server. Select an index server you have previously configured in the Index servers tab. The drop-down will only show the name of the servers of the selected type.
Analyzer. Select the analyzer that corresponds to the language of the metadata.
Metadata index name. Enter the name for the metadata index that will be created.
Once the index has been configured correctly, the Recreate index option will appear. By clicking this button, metadata index is deleted for the selected Virtual DataPort server. Then, the index is created again using the existing configuration for it.
Regarding the metadata index update process, take this into account:
After configuring a metadata index, information from views and web services is indexed, and an automated background process ensures the index is updated.
The background process to update metadata index runs periodically (every few seconds), checking if there are new modifications to apply in the index.
Since a user modifies view and web services metadata until metadata index is updated, it may take several seconds. It is not an immediate process.