My Notifications¶
The notifications received as an owner of a request can be found in this page.

My notifications page. The notifications of the current user.¶
On the left panel there are some options that can be used to filter the requests shown on the right panel.
Notification type: filter for the notification types that a user can receive:
New message: notification that an administrator has sent a new message.
Message edited: notification that and administrator has edited a message of the request.
Status changed: notification that and administrator has changed the status of the request.
Priority changed: notification that and administrator has changed the priority of the request.
Canceled: notification that and administrator has canceled the request.
Read status:
All: read and unread notifications will be displayed.
Read: only read notifications will be displayed.
Unread: only unread notifications will be displayed.
From: the creation date of the notification must be after this value.
To: the creation date of the request must be before this value.
Elements: autocomplete filter to indicate the elements on which the request of the notifications have been created.
On the right panel there will be the results of the search. The notifications unread have a different style with bold text and darker row background. The top panel above the notifications table provide buttons to:
Mark as read: mark the notifications checked as read.
Mark as unread: mark the notifications checked as unread.
Remove: deletes the notifications checked.
This actions can also be done for each row individually with the three-dotted button in the last column.
Information displayed on the table:
Type: the type of the request: Access, Change, Data Quality, Question.
Notification type: the type of the notification: New message, Message edited, Status changed, Priority changed, Canceled.
Request: request identifier on which the notification has been created. If clicked, it will show the details of the request equals to the request tables and automatically mark the notification as read.
Element: element on which the notification has been created. It is a link to the element.
Date: date of creation of the notification.
Description: description for the type of notification.
The column “element” has a link to that element. If that element is deleted as a result of a synchronization process, it will not longer be a link and it will be just a label with the element name before its deletion.