JDBC Driver Parameters¶
The table below lists the parameters of the JDBC driver and their default value.
You can indicate these options either as a parameter of the connection URL or as a driver property, except userGSSCredential
that has to be passed as a driver property, not a URL parameter.
Parameter of the URL |
Description |
adjustScaleOfDecimalValues |
If true, the driver modifies the values of type “decimal” of the “ResultSet” so their “scale” matches the “scale” reported by the metadata of the “ResultSet”. Set this to “true” when connecting from Apache Arrow. Default value: |
autoCommit |
If This is useful to make sure that an application does not start transactions inadvertently. Even with this parameter set to
true, an application can start and
finish transactions by executing the
statements If the client invokes
If the client invokes
See more about the limits on the duration of transaction in the section Transactions in Virtual DataPort of the VQL Guide. Default value: |
chunkSize |
The results of a query can be divided into blocks (chunks), so the Server does not have to wait for the query to finish, in order to begin sending part of the results to the client. This parameter establishes the maximum number of results that a block can contain. When the Server obtains enough results to complete a block, it sends this block to the driver and continues processing the next results. In an application that uses this
driver, you can either add this
parameter to the connection URL
and/or before executing the query,
invoke the method Default value: |
chunkTimeout |
This parameter establishes the
maximum time (in milliseconds) the
Server waits before returning a new
block to the driver. When this time
is exceeded, the Server sends the
current block to the driver, even if
it does not contain the number of
results specified in the
Note: if
Default value: |
connectTimeout |
This parameter establishes the maximum time (in milliseconds) the driver waits for opening a connection. When this time is exceeded, a timeout error is returned. Note: if Default value: |
describeNationalCharTypesAsBasicTypes |
If Default value: |
i18n |
This parameter establishes the internationalization (i18n) configuration of the connection with the Server. If not present, the driver assumes the i18n of the database that you are connecting to. The parameter Default value: I18N of the database that you are connecting to |
identifiersUppercase |
If Default value: |
impersonateUser |
This parameter indicates an user to impersonate when connecting to Virtual DataPort. See Privilege Auditing for additional information about impersonation. Default value: <empty> |
infrastructureProvider |
This parameter indicates the Infrastructure provider where the JDBC client is located. Use the providers listed in the DESC INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDERS command output. Default value: <empty> |
infrastructureRegion |
This parameter indicates the region of the infrastructure provider where the JDBC client is located. If the provider is listed when executing DESC INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDERS use the region abbreviation included in the command output. Default value: <empty> |
idleKeepAlive |
Indicates if a connection sends a ‘keep alive’ when it is on idle state for the number of seconds specified by ‘keepAlive’ property. Default value: |
keepAlive |
Indicates number of seconds that a
connection currently used is
discarded if a A value equals or lower than 0 disables this functionality. Default value: |
loggerConsole |
If Default value: |
loggerFile |
If not empty, the driver writes the log messages to this file (see Enabling JDBC Logging). Default value: N/A |
loggerLevel |
Level used for logging the messages. The level name follows the Java Logging syntax. It is mandatory for enabling the log (see Enabling JDBC Logging). Values: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST and OFF. Default value: N/A |
loggerNativeCalls |
If Default value: |
nativeCompress |
If Default value: |
password |
Password used to authenticate
against Virtual DataPort. When using
this parameter, also provide the
value of the parameter Default value: N/A |
publishCatalogsAsSchemas |
By default, the JDBC driver exposes the databases of Virtual DataPort as catalogs; each catalog is a collection of SQL objects (tables, views, stored procedures, etc.). If this property is Some tools expect a database to
organize its elements in schemas,
not catalogs. In that case, add this
parameter to the connection with the
value Default value: |
publishViewsAsTables |
If If Some third-party tools require the
JDBC metadata to publish all the
views as tables in order to
recognize the associations created
between views. For these
applications, add this parameter to
the URL with the value Default value: |
queryTimeout |
Maximum time (in milliseconds) the driver will wait for a query to finish. After this period, it will throw an Exception. This parameter is optional. If it is not set, the query timeout has the default value (900000 milliseconds). If 0, the driver will wait indefinitely until the query finishes. This parameter sets the default timeout for all the queries. In addition, you can change the timeout for a single query by adding the parameter ‘QUERYTIMEOUT’ = ‘<value>’ to the CONTEXT clause of the query. See more about this in the section CONTEXT Clause of the VQL Guide. Default value: |
pingQuery and pingQueryTimeout |
Parameters that you may need only when connecting to Virtual DataPort through a load balancer. The section Connecting to Virtual DataPort Through a Load Balancer explains how to use them. Default value: None |
sendSniHeader |
If Default value: |
ssl |
By default, the driver tries to establish a non-SSL connection with the Server. If SSL is enabled on the Server, the connection fails and immediately, the driver tries to establish an SSL connection. If If Default value: None |
sslTrustServerCertificate |
If This parameter makes it easier to use a self-signed certificate or a certificate signed by a CA that your organization uses internally. However, consider that not validating the certificates can be considered a security risk. If The driver only takes this property
into account when the property
Default value: |
sslTrustStoreLocation and sslTrustStorePassword |
If The driver only takes these
properties into account when the
property Default values: None |
user |
User name used to authenticate
against Virtual DataPort. When using
this parameter, also provide the
value of the parameter Default value: N/A |
userAgent |
Sets the user agent of the connection. The section Setting the User Agent of an Application of the Administration Guide explains why we recommend setting this parameter. Default value: <empty> |
userGSSCredential |
Java object of the class
Use this driver property to pass a Kerberos credential, which the driver will use to connect to Denodo.
See more about this property in the section Connecting to Virtual DataPort Using Kerberos Authentication. Default value: none. |
wanOptimized |
If Default value: |
The properties related to OAuth authentication are explained in the page Connecting to Virtual DataPort Using OAuth Authentication.
Autocommit Property
By default, the connections opened by the Denodo JDBC driver have the
property “autocommit” set to true
. This is the recommended value and
its effect is that the queries are not performed inside a transaction.
Do not change this property to false
unless you need the
statements to be executed inside the same transaction. The reason is
that Virtual DataPort uses a distributed transaction manager, which uses
a 2-phase commit protocol. This protocol introduces some overhead over
the queries. Therefore, if you set this property to false
needing it, your queries will run unnecessarily slower.
Connecting to Virtual DataPort with SSL/TLS
If SSL is enabled in Virtual DataPort and the SSL certificate it uses was not signed by a public Certification Authority (CA), the connection will fail unless the client application is configured to trust in the Certification Authority that signed the key. To trust on this authority, you need to import the certificate of this authority into the cacerts file of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that this client application uses.