Limit the Number of Incoming ODBC Connections

When an application connects to the ODBC port of Virtual DataPort, the server creates a thread. If an application opens many connections but does not close, it will lead to having many inactive ODBC connections, which can affect to the stability of Virtual DataPort.

We recommend reviewing the configuration of your applications so they close all the connections when necessary. However, if it is not possible, there are two settings that can mitigate this issue:

  1. Set a maximum number of incoming ODBC connections. To do this, log in as an administrator user and execute this command:

-- This example limits the incoming ODBC connections to sixty;
-- You can enter a different value
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.odbc.maxActiveConnections' = '60';
  1. Set the amount of time (in milliseconds) that a connection can be inactive until it is closed. To do this, log in as an administrator user and execute this command:

-- With this command, Virtual DataPort will close the incoming ODBC connections
-- that remain inactive for thirty minutes (1,800,000 milliseconds)
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.odbc.socketTimeout' = '1800000';

After executing any of these commands, restart Virtual DataPort to apply the changes.

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