Output Schema of the DESC Commands¶
There are two ways of describing an object from the JDBC client:
With a
statement. It returns the VQL statements that create an element. For example:
-- Obtains the VQL of a view and its dependencies.
DESC VQL VIEW incident;
-- Obtains the VQL of a JDBC data source.
DESC VQL DATASOURCE JDBC ds_jdbc_phone_inc;
The section Describing Catalog Elements of the VQL Guide lists all the modifiers of the DESC VQL statement.
With a
statement. It returns information about an element in a structured way.The table below lists the output of the DESC commands when executed from a JDBC or an ODBC client. When these commands are executed from the “VQL Shell” of Design Studio, they return information that should only be used for debugging purposes and may change in the future.
The output of these commands does not include any password for security purposes.
When you execute these commands from the “VQL Shell” of Design Studio instead of a JDBC client, they return information that should only be used for debugging purposes and can change between updates of the Denodo Platform.
Statement |
Column of the Result |
DESC DATABASE <database name> |
name description |
DESC DATASOURCE CUSTOM <data source name> |
name class name classpath jars |
DESC DATASOURCE DF <data source name> |
name begin delimiter end delimiter column delimiter end of line delimiter header pattern tuple pattern data route |
DESC DATASOURCE ESSBASE <data source name> |
name database version uri user name |
DESC DATASOURCE JDBC <data source name> |
name database uri driver class name user name classpath database name database version ping query initial size max active |
DESC DATASOURCE JSON <data source name> |
name data route |
DESC DATASOURCE LDAP <data source name> |
name uri login |
DESC DATASOURCE MONGODB <data source name> |
name connection info tls connection properties auth type auth credentials pool configuration |
DESC DATASOURCE ODBC <data source name> |
name dsn database uri driver class name user name classpath database name database version ping query initial size max active |
DESC DATASOURCE OLAP <data source name> |
name database name database version xmla uri user name max active initial size |
name database name base url api version |
DESC DATASOURCE SAPBWBAPI <data source name> |
name system name host name client id system number user name read block size |
DESC DATASOURCE SAPERP <data source name> |
name system name host name client id system number user name |
DESC DATASOURCE WS <data source name> |
name wsdl route authentication type:
authentication user proxy host proxy port proxy user |
DESC DATASOURCE XML <data source name> |
name data route schema route dtd route |
DESC MAP SIMPLE <map name> DESC MAP I18N <map name> |
key value (One row for each entry of the map) |
DESC PROCEDURE <procedure name> |
name type (parameter type) direction = |
DESC ROLE <role name> |
description roles: name of a role assigned to this role. If a role has other rows assigned, this command returns a row for each role assigned to this role. |
database user i18n activeTransaction: |
DESC TYPE <type name> |
field type: if the type is complex, it returns a row
for each component of the type.
If it is |
DESC USER <user name> |
name description admin: |
DESC VIEW <view name> |
fieldname fieldtype: a row for each field of the view. fieldTypeCode fieldPrecision fieldDecimals fieldRadix isPrimaryKey isNotNull isUnique isAutoincrement isGeneratedColumn The fields fieldTypeCode, fieldPrecision,
fieldDecimals and fieldRadix are the values
of the “Source type properties” of
the fields of the view. Their value
correspond with the properties
See more about these properties in the section Viewing the Schema of a Base View of the Administration Guide and in the section JDBC Wrappers of the VQL Guide. |
wsname wstypes operationtype: operationname fieldname fieldtype fielddirection: input or output parameter This statement returns a row for each parameter of the Web Service. |
DESC WRAPPER CUSTOM <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name parameters output schema |
DESC WRAPPER DF <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name output schema |
DESC WRAPPER ESSBASE <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name server name application name cube name MDX sentence output schema |
DESC WRAPPER { JDBC | ODBC } <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name relation name sql sentence aliases output schema |
DESC WRAPPER JSON <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name tuple root output schema |
DESC WRAPPER LDAP <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name object classes recursive search ldap expression output schema |
DESC WRAPPER MONGODB <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name database collection limit documents output schema |
DESC WRAPPER OLAP <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name catalog name schema name cube name mdx sentence output schema |
name type = data source database data source name object name soql sentence output schema |
name type = schema name cube name mdx sentence output schema |
DESC WRAPPER SAPERP <wrapper name> |
name type = schema name bapi name output schema |
DESC WRAPPER WS <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name service name port name operation name input message output message output schema |
DESC WRAPPER XML <wrapper name> |
name type = data source name tuple root output schema |