Overriding AbstractCustomWrapper

The following methods may be overridden when extending AbstractCustomWrapper:

  • public CustomWrapperInputParameter[] getInputParameters().

    This method defines a series of input parameters accepted by the Custom wrapper, represented as an array of objects CustomWrapperInputParameter. The default implementation of this method returns an empty array.

    Example implementation of the method getInputParameters shows an example implementation of this method.

    The CustomWrapperInputParameter objects have the following properties:

    • name: the name of the parameter.

    • mandatory: if true, you have to provide this parameter when querying the wrapper. If false, the parameter is optional.

    • environment dependent: if true, this parameter is considered “environment dependent”. This means that when the VQL of this wrapper is exported to a file with the option Export environment specific properties separately, the value of this parameter will be a property, not the value.

      If false, the value of the parameter will be included in the VQL file.

    • description: description of the parameter. Design Studio will show this description as a tooltip in the Custom Data Source wizard.

    • type: type of the input parameter. To instantiate an object of the class CustomWrapperInputParameterType invoke the appropriate method of the CustomWrapperInputParameterTypeFactory class. This factory has the following methods:

      • booleanType(...) to create a boolean parameter.

      • integerType(), longType(), floatType() and doubleType() to create a number parameter.

      • stringType(), longStringType() to create normal and long text parameters.

      • enumStringType(...) to create an enumeration parameter. An input parameter of this type can only have the values of the enumeration. Design Studio displays a drop-down list so the user can select a valid value.

      • hiddenStringType() to create a text parameter that contains sensitive information that cannot be written to the Virtual DataPort log or displayed in Design Studio. Design Studio hides the values of this type of parameters.

      • routeType(...) to create a parameter that stores a path to a file. Design Studio provides a wizard to build valid routes for this type of parameters. These parameters are always considered as environment-dependent regardless of the value of the flag environment dependent.

      • loginType() and passwordType(). If the custom wrapper has an input parameter created with loginType() and another one created with passwordType(), Design Studio allows the user to enable pass-through credentials when creating a base view over the wrapper. In that case, when a user queries the base view, the values of these two parameters will be the credentials of user that executed the query.

Example implementation of the method getInputParameters
public CustomWrapperInputParameter[] getInputParameters() {
    return new CustomWrapperInputParameter[] {
        new CustomWrapperInputParameter(STRING_PARAM,
                "A mandatory parameter of type string",
                true, true,
        new CustomWrapperInputParameter(BOOLEAN_PARAM,
                "A mandatory parameter of type boolean with 'false'" +
                "as the default value",
                true, true,
        new CustomWrapperInputParameter(INTEGER_PARAM,
                "An optional parameter of type integer",
                false, true,
        new CustomWrapperInputParameter(ROUTE_PARAM,
                "An optional parameter of type route",
                false, true,
                    routeType(RouteType.values())) };
  • public CustomWrapperConfiguration getConfiguration()

    This method defines the CUSTOM wrapper’s configuration (details on how to configure a CUSTOM wrapper are given in the section Configuring a Custom Wrapper). The default implementation of this method returns an instance of CustomWrapperConfiguration with all the available configuration parameters set to their default values.

  • public boolean stop()

    The Execution Engine invokes this method when a query involving this custom wrapper is cancelled. The class AbstractCustomWrapper provides a default implementation of this method that does not do anything and only returns false.

    If the tasks executed by this wrapper can be cancelled, override this method and cancel them. If this wrapper opens any connection to other systems, opens files, etc., close these resources from this method.

    If this method returns true, the wrapper must guarantee that it will finish after this method is invoked. If the wrapper will not finish after invoking this wrapper, return false. If this wrapper does not overwrite this method, the Execution Engine will try to interrupt its execution. Therefore, overwriting this method is not mandatory, although recommended.

Custom wrappers can provide support for Insert, Delete and Update operations. By implementing/overriding the appropriate methods, the CUSTOM wrapper will be automatically configured so Virtual DataPort knows that it has insert, delete or update capabilities. The following methods may be overridden to provide support for IDU operations:

  • public int insert(Map<CustomWrapperFieldExpression, Object> insertValues, Map<String, String> inputValues) throws CustomWrapperException

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper inserts data in its associated data source. The wrapper’s input parameters’ values are passed as an argument to be used if necessary. The data to be inserted is provided as a map between CustomWrapperFieldExpressions and Objects. A CustomWrapperFieldExpression has a name and an optional list of sub-fields, in case the field is compound. The method getStringRepresentation of CustomWrapperFieldExpression provides a default text version of a field. That can be just the field’s name, or something more elaborate like myfield.myarray[10].myinteger (this example represents a compound field myfield with an array-type sub-field myarray with a sub-field myinteger). This method returns the number of successfully inserted values. The default implementation does nothing and returns 0.

  • public int delete(CustomWrapperConditionHolder condition, Map<String, String> inputValues) throws CustomWrapperException

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper deletes data from its associated data source. Deletion conditions and input parameters’ values are passed as arguments (see section Dealing with Conditions for details about dealing with conditions). The number of successfully deleted values is returned. The default implementation of this method does nothing and returns 0.

  • public int update(Map<CustomWrapperFieldExpression, Object> updateValues, CustomWrapperConditionHolder condition, Map<String, String> inputValues) throws CustomWrapperException

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper updates data in its associated data source. Update conditions, update values and input parameters’ values are provided as arguments (see section Dealing with Conditions for details about dealing with conditions and see the explanation of the insert method in this section for details on update values). The number of successfully updated values is returned. The default implementation of this method does nothing and returns 0.

CUSTOM wrappers can provide support for distributed transactions. By implementing/overriding the appropriate methods, the CUSTOM wrapper will be automatically configured so Virtual DataPort knows that it has transactional capabilities. The following three methods must be overridden for the CUSTOM wrapper to support distributed transactions:

  • public void prepare()

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper performs a prepare operation in the context of a distributed transaction. The default implementation does nothing.

  • public void commit()

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper performs a commit operation in the context of a distributed transaction. The default implementation does nothing.

  • public void rollback()

    This method defines how the CUSTOM wrapper performs a rollback operation in the context of a distributed transaction. The default implementation does nothing.

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