Database Configuration


Only Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool administrators can perform this task.

The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool stores information of its catalog and configuration on a database. By default, it uses a local database included with the installation (Apache Derby). You can configure this tool to store the information on an external database.


When a database change is applied, the loaded diagnostic files will not be migrated to the new database.


In a Solution Manager installation, whenever you change its database it will transparently change the DMT database too. However, if you are using MySQL, it is required that you import a compatible 5.7 driver or higher as a MySQL-5 driver in the embedded VDP. To do this you must use the libraries section in Extensions Management dialog. See importing jdbc drivers for more details.

To configure a new database follow these steps:

  1. Copy the jar file(s) of the JDBC driver of the new database to the folder <DENODO_PLATFORM_HOME>/lib/dmt-extensions.

  2. Restart the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool in case the jar files were not already in that folder.

  3. Click the menu Options > Database Configuration. In the new tab, enter the following parameters:

    • Database: select one of the supported databases:

      • Apache Derby

      • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, using the Microsoft JDBC driver (the jTDS driver is unsupported). Select this to use Microsoft SQL Server or for the Azure SQL Server-compatible edition.

      • Oracle 12cR2 or higher.

      • MySQL 5.6 or higher. Select this to use MySQL or for the MySQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora.

      • PostgreSQL 9.5 or later. Select this to use PostgreSQL or the PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora.

    • Driver Class: class name of the JDBC driver. E.g. for Oracle oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.

    • URL: JDBC URL to connect to your database server.

    • User and Password: credentials to connect to the database. This user account needs privileges to create tables and insert/update/delete rows in these tables.

Database configuration panel

Database configuration panel


  • If you select the database Derby Embedded, the fields Driver Class, URI, Username and Password are not editable. It represents a connection to the Derby database included with the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool.

  • If you select MySQL, add these parameters to the URL: useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8. For example:


    They are necessary so any non-ASCII character can be stored in the database correctly.

    In addition, the schema of MySQL that the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool use has to have these options: Default Charset = utf8 and Collation = utf8_unicode_ci.

    To set these options, connect to this MySQL and execute the statement below:

    ALTER DATABASE <database name>
    CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
  1. After clicking the Save button, the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool will check that it can reach this database.

  2. When the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool is restarted it will try to create the tables on the new database if they do not already exist.

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