Class CustomWrapperInputParameter


public final class CustomWrapperInputParameter extends Object
Defines a Custom Wrapper input parameter. Input parameters allow user-defined configuration values to be passed to a Custom Wrapper.
  • Constructor Details

    • CustomWrapperInputParameter

      @Deprecated public CustomWrapperInputParameter(String name, boolean isMandatory)
      This method is deprecated since Denodo 5.0. Instead, use CustomWrapperInputParameter(String, String, boolean, CustomWrapperInputParameterType)
      Constructs a CustomWrapperInputParameter specifying a name and whether it is mandatory or not. The CustomWrapperInputParameter will accept arbitrary long text values.
      name - the name for this input parameter.
      isMandatory - true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
    • CustomWrapperInputParameter

      @Deprecated public CustomWrapperInputParameter(String name, boolean isMandatory, boolean isHidden)
      This method is deprecated since Denodo 5.0. Instead, use CustomWrapperInputParameter(String, String, boolean, CustomWrapperInputParameterType)
      Constructs a CustomWrapperInputParameter specifying a name, whether it is mandatory or not and whether it is hidden or not. In case it would not be hidden, the CustomWrapperInputParameter will accept arbitrary long text values.
      name - the name for this input parameter.
      isMandatory - true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
      isHidden - true, if the parameter is sensitive and should be hidden
    • CustomWrapperInputParameter

      public CustomWrapperInputParameter(String name, String description, boolean isMandatory, CustomWrapperInputParameterType type)
      Constructs a CustomWrapperInputParameter specifying a name, a description, whether it is mandatory or not and a CustomWrapperInputParameterType
      name - the name for this input parameter.
      description - a description that will appear as a tooltip in the Admin Tool.
      isMandatory - true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
      type - the CustomWrapperInputParameterType of this input parameter. The type of the parameter limits the values accepted for the input parameter. According to this type, the Admin Tool will represent the input parameter with an appropriate visual component.
      See Also:
    • CustomWrapperInputParameter

      public CustomWrapperInputParameter(String name, String description, boolean isMandatory, boolean isEnvDependent, CustomWrapperInputParameterType type)
      Constructs a CustomWrapperInputParameter specifying a name, a description, whether it is mandatory or not and a CustomWrapperInputParameterType
      name - the name for this input parameter.
      description - a description that will appear as a tooltip in the Admin Tool.
      isMandatory - true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
      isEnvDependent - true if this input parameter is dependent on the environment, false otherwise.
      type - the CustomWrapperInputParameterType of this input parameter. The type of the parameter limits the values accepted for the input parameter. According to this type, the Admin Tool will represent the input parameter with an appropriate visual component.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns this input parameter's name
      this input parameter's name
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets this input parameter's name
      name - input parameter's name
    • isMandatory

      public boolean isMandatory()
      Returns true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
      true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
    • setMandatory

      public void setMandatory(boolean isMandatory)
      Sets whether this input parameter is mandatory or not.
      isMandatory - true if this input parameter is mandatory, false otherwise.
    • isEnvDependent

      public boolean isEnvDependent()
      Returns true if the parameter is dependent on the environment false otherwise.
      true if the parameter is dependent on the environment false otherwise.
    • setEnvDependent

      public void setEnvDependent(boolean isEnvDependent)
      Sets whether this input parameter is dependent on the environment or not.
      isEnvDependent - true is dependent on the environment, false otherwise.
    • isHidden

      public boolean isHidden()
      Returns true if the parameter is hidden false otherwise.
      true if the parameter is hidden false otherwise.
    • setHidden

      public void setHidden(boolean hidden)
      Sets whether this input parameter is hidden or not.
      hidden - true if the parameter is sensitive and should be hidden, false otherwise.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns this input parameter's description
      this input parameter's description
    • getType

      Returns this input parameter's type
      this input parameter's type