Denodo Virtual DataPort 9.1.0 API
Annotations necessary to develop custom elements.
Provides the types and values needed to implement Custom elements in
Virtual DataPort.
Provides the enums and classes needed to represent the evaluation of
Custom Policies for Virtual DataPort and to access to its context.
Provides the exceptions related to a custom policy in Virtual DataPort.
Provides the classes to develop custom input filters.
Provides the base classes and mechanisms necessary to implement a Custom Wrapper.
Provides the classes needed to deal with conditions of Custom Wrappers.
Provides the classes needed to deal with expressions of Custom Wrappers.
Provides the classes needed to deal with the data types of input parameters of Custom Wrappers.
Provides the classes needed to deal with the value of input parameters of Custom Wrappers.
Provides the classes needed to deal with complex values in Custom Wrappers.
Provides the abstract classes, interfaces and exceptions necessary to implement the stored