Managing Internationalization Configurations

Virtual DataPort can work with data from a group of different countries/locations. An internationalization configuration, represented by a map, exists for each of the countries/locations from which data managed by Virtual DataPort may come. Various configurable parameters exist for each of the locations contemplated. Some examples of configurable parameters are: symbol used as separators into decimal numbers and into thousands, date format, etc.

Although Virtual DataPort includes internationalization configurations already created for the most common situations, creating new configurations is a very simple process. This section describes this process in detail.

The internationalization parameters of a location can be divided into various groups. The different groups are mentioned below, and each of the parameters comprising same are described in detail:


The internationalization parameters are case-insensitive. For instance, “timeZone” and “timezone” correspond to the same key.

  • Generic parameters

    • language - Indicates the language used in this location. It is a valid ISO language code. These codes contain two letters in lower case as defined in ISO-639. Examples: es (Spanish), en (English), fr (French).

    • country - Specifies the country associated with this location. It is a valid ISO country code. These codes contain two letters in upper case, as defined by ISO-3166. Examples: ES (Spain), ES_EURO (Spain with EURO currency), GB (England), FR (France), FR_EURO (France with EURO currency), US (United States).

    • timeZone - Indicates the time zone of the location (e.g. Europe/Madrid for Spain = GMT+01:00 = MET = CET).

  • Configuration of dates: Configuration of type date.

    • datePattern - Indicates the format for dates. This parameter is a pattern with the same syntax as the date related methods of the Java classes java.text.DateFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Java Date and time patterns used in Virtual DataPort lists the meaning of each of the reserved characters used in a date pattern. Example of a date pattern: d-MMM-yyyy H'h' m'm'.

    • datesubtypepattern - Indicates the format for dates whose “type” in the “source type properties” is DATE.

    • timesubtypepattern - Indicates the format for dates whose “type” in the “source type properties” is TIME.

  • Configuration of real numbers: Facilitates the configuration of the data types float, double and decimal.

    • doubleDecimalPosition - Indicates the number of decimal positions to be used to represent a decimal value.

    • doubleDecimalSeparator - Represents the decimal separator used to print a decimal value.

    • doubleGroupSeparator - Specifies the group separator for decimal values.

The following figure contains the statement required to create the internationalization configuration us_pst, (U.S Pacific Standard Time):

Internationalization configuration us_pst
CREATE MAP I18N i18n_us_pst (
    'country' = 'US'
    'datepattern' = 'MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a'
    'doubledecimalposition' = '2'
    'doubledecimalseparator' = ''
    'doublegroupseparator' = ''
    'language' = 'en'
    'timepattern' = 'DAY'
    'timezone' = 'PST'

To see the actual configuration of an existing i18n map execute the statement DESC VQL MAP I18N <map name>.

Replacing an I18n Map

To replace an i18n map, execute the statement CREATE OR REPLACE MAP I18N <map name>

To execute this operation, one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. The user that executes the statement is an administrator

  2. Or, the user that executes the statement is a standard user and administrator of the following databases:

    • The databases in the Server that are not configured to use VCS and that depend on the i18n map being replaced.

    • At least one database that is configured to use VCS, for each remote database that depends on this i18n map.

Example of the second condition:

  • There is a custom i18n map called mymap.

  • User1 is a standard user and an administrator of the databases MyLocalDb, Db1_user1 and Db2_user1. The i18n map of these databases is mymap. Db1_user1 and Db2_user1 are configured to use VCS and they are linked to the remote databases Db1 and Db2 respectively. MyLocalDb is not configured to use VCS.

  • User2 is a standard user and an administrator of the databases Db1_user2 and Db2_user2. The i18n map of these databases is mymap. Db1_user2 and Db2_user2 are configured to use VCS and they are linked to the remote databases Db1 and Db2 respectively.

In this scenario, User1 can execute CREATE OR REPLACE MAP I18N mymap.

User2 cannot execute CREATE OR REPLACE MAP I18N mymap because it is not an administrator of the databases that depend on mymap and are not configured to use VCS. That is, MyLocalDB.

In databases with VCS configured, when the user performs a check-out of a database, the Server executes a CREATE OR REPLACE MAP <map of the database>.

Deleting an I18n Map

To delete an i18n map, execute the statement DROP MAP I18N <map name>

This statement will fail if the map is referenced from another element such as views and databases (all the databases and views have an i18n).

If you want to force the deletion of the map, execute DROP MAP I18N <map name> CASCADE

This will delete the map and also, the views whose i18n map is the one you are deleting.

If there is a database whose i18n is the one you are deleting, this command will fail even if you add the CASCADE modifier.

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