Defining the Statistics of a View

The Cost-based optimization of Virtual DataPort uses the statistics of the views and information about the indexes in the data source to estimate the cost of alternative execution plans for a query and select the one with the lower estimated cost. See more about this in the section Cost-Based Optimization of the Administration Guide.

We recommend using Design Studio to gather and store the statistics of the views. But you can also enter these statistics manually with the CREATE VIEWSTATSUMMARY statement.

This section lists the statements to manage the statistics of base views and derived views.

To store the statistics of a view, use the command CREATE VIEWSTATSUMMARY.

Cost-based optimization: syntax of CREATE VIEWSTATSUMMARY
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEWSTATSUMMARY <view name:identifier> (
    [ SET ENABLED = <boolean> ]
    [ SET NUMOFROWS = <number of rows of the view: long> ]
    [ SET STATS <statistics table> ]

<statistics table> ::=
    <statistics header> VALUES <field statistics> [, <field statistics> ]*

<statistics header> ::= ( FIELDNAME, <property name> [, <property name> ]* )

<property name> ::=

<field statistics> ::=
    ( <field name : identifier>, <property value> [, <property value> ]* )

<property value> ::=
  | <value : number>
  | <value : literal>

For example:

Cost-based optimization: example of CREATE VIEWSTATSUMMARY
    SET ENABLED = true
    SET NUMOFROWS = 4125
    SET STATS (fieldname, avgsize, maxvalue, minvalue, numofdistinctvalues, numofnullvalues) VALUES
      (iinc_id, 8.0, 4, 1, 4, 0),
      (summary, 21.0, 'Install additional line', 'Bandwidth increase', null, 40),
      (ttime, 186.0, null, '2005-06-30T04:19:41+0200', null, 0),
      (taxid, 9.0, null, 'B78596011', null, 1238),
      (specific_field1, 1.0, '3', '1', 3, 2133),
      (specific_field2, 1.0, '3', '1', 3, 998)

If ENABLED is true, the “Execution Engine” will use the statistics of this view to estimate the cost of executing this query. If false, these statistics will not be used.

The STATS clause indicates the statistics of each field provided in the VALUES clause:

  • AVGSIZE: for fields of type text, this is the average length of this field’s values. For fields of other types, it is the average size in bytes.

  • MAXVALUE: maximum value of the field.

  • MINVALUE: minimum value of the field.

  • NUMOFDISTINCTVALUES: number of distinct values in this field.

  • NUMOFNULLVALUES: number of NULL values in this field.

If you do not want/cannot provide a statistic for a field, enter NULL. E.g. it may not be possible to provide the size of blob values.

To modify the existing statistics of a view, use the ALTER VIEWSTATSUMMARY statement:

Cost-based optimization: ALTER VIEWSTATSUMMARY statement
ALTER VIEWSTATSUMMARY <view name:identifier> (
    [ SET ENABLED = <enabled : boolean> ]
    [ SET NUMOFROWS = <num of rows : long> ]
    [ SET STATS <statistics table> ]

Use the following commands to manage the statistics of views:

  • LIST VIEWSTATSUMMARIES: returns a list of views for which there are statistics.

  • DESC VQL VIEWSTATSUMMARY <view name>: returns the statistics of a view.

  • DROP VIEWSTATSUMMARY <view name>: deletes the statistics of a view.

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