These two elements, along with the primary key support of views, are
part of the REST architecture of the Denodo Platform.
The main feature of this architecture is the RESTful Web service, which
is described in the section RESTful Web Service of the Administration
Guide. This service allows clients to browse through the contents of
Virtual DataPort using an HTTP interface.
An association represents a relationship between two views in a similar
way a join view links one view with another one. The section
Associations of the Administration Guide explains this concept in more
This section explains the VQL statements to create, modify and delete
Syntax of the CREATE ASSOCIATION statement
[ FOLDER = <folder:literal> ]
[ DESCRIPTION = <association_description:literal> ]
ENDPOINT <role_name:identifier> <view_name:identifier>
[ <mult:multiplicity> ]
[ PRECONDITION <condition> ]
[ DESCRIPTION = <endpoint_description:literal> ]
ENDPOINT <role_name:identifier> <view_name:identifier>
[ PRECONDITION <condition> ]
[ DESCRIPTION = <endpoint_description:literal> ]
[ ADD MAPPING <val1:mapping_value> = <val1:mapping_value> ]+
<mapping_value> ::=
<field name>
| <mapping_value> <funcsymbol> <value>
| <value> <funcsymbol> <mapping_value>
| CASE <mapping_value>
WHEN <compare_value:value> THEN <result:value>
[ WHEN <compare_value:value> THEN <result:value> ]*
[ ELSE <result:value> ] END
| CASE WHEN <condition> THEN <result:value>
[ WHEN <condition> THEN <result:value> ]*
[ ELSE <result:value> ] END
<multiplicity> ::=
( 0 , 1 )
| ( 1 )
| ( * )
| ( + )
marks the association as a
referential constraint (see the section Referential Integrity in Associations of the Administration Guide)
clause is the description of the association
and the second and the third ones are the descriptions of the two
endpoints of the association.
represent the Role preconditions of each
end point (see the section Role Preconditions of the Administration
Syntax of the ALTER ASSOCIATION statement
ALTER ASSOCIATION <name:identifier>
[ RENAME <new_name:identifier> ]
[ DESCRIPTION = <desc:literal> ]
statement to rename the association and/or
change its description.
To delete an association, execute the statement DROP ASSOCATION
Syntax of the DROP statement)
Navigational Queries
you can execute queries that allow you to
“navigate” through the associations defined between views.
If you want to identify a particular row of a view with its primary key
and then, obtain the rows of another view that are linked with the rows
of the other view, you can do it in two ways:
With a join of two views.
Or defining an association between these views and at runtime, use
to traverse the association.
Defining an association provides several benefits over doing a join:
The queries are much simpler.
The client does not need to know the name of the view at the other
side of the association.
The client does not need to know how to build a valid join condition
that links the two views.
Any change on the view at the other side of the association or the
condition of the association does not affect clients.
For example, if there is an association between the views “customer” and
“order”, an application can execute the statement
to obtain all the orders of a particular
customer without having to know the names of the fields of the join
condition or the name of the view that holds the customers’ orders.
The drawback of doing this with an association instead of a join is that
joins allow you to link two views in a more complex way.
Consider a view customer
whose primary key is the field cid
This view participates in an association whose role on the endpoint of
the customer
view is called orders
FROM customer / 2 / orders
WHERE o_description like '%Bandages%'
This query returns the orders of the customer with cid = 2
and whose
description starts with Bandage
The equivalent SELECT
query is more complex and you need to know the names of the fields to build the JOIN condition. E.g.:
SELECT orders.*
FROM customer INNER JOIN orders
ON customer.cid = orders.cid
WHERE customer.cid = 2 AND orders.o_description like '%Bandages%'
Syntax of the SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL statement (navigational queries)
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL <navigation fields>
FROM <view:identifier> [ <select navigations> ]
[ EXPAND <expand elements> ]
[ WHERE <extended condition> ]
[ GROUP BY <group by expression> [ , <group by expression> ]* ]
[ HAVING <extended condition> ]
[ ORDER BY <order by expression> [ ASC | DESC ] [, <order by expression> [ ASC | DESC ] ]* ]
[ OFFSET <number> [ ROW | ROWS ] ]
FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ <number> ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY
| LIMIT [ <number> ]
[ CONTEXT ( <context information> [ , <context information> ]* ) ]
<navigation fields> ::=
<navigation field> [, <navigation field> ]*
<navigation field> ::=
| <field:identifier> [ AS <alias:identifier> ]
| <role:identifier> / *
| <role:identifier> / <field:identifier>
| <function> ( [ <function parameter> ]* ) [ AS <alias:identifier> ]
| <expression>
<function parameter> ::=
| <simple navigation field>
<simple navigation field> ::=
<role:identifier> / <field:identifier>
<select navigations> ::=
/ <primary key values>
| / [ <condition> ]
| { / <primary key values> / <association:identifier> }*
[ / <primary key values> | / LBRACE <condition> RBRACE ]
<primary key values> ::=
<primary key value:value> [, <primary key value:value> ]*
<expand elements> ::=
<expand element> [ , <expand element> ]*
<expand element> ::=
<role:identifier> [ ( WHERE <regular condition:condition> ) ] [ / <role:identifier> [ ( WHERE <regular condition:condition> ) ] ]*
<group by expression> ::=
| <role:identifier> / <field:identifier>
| <expression>
| <function> ( [ <function parameter> ]* )
<order by expression> ::=
| <field>
| <field position:integer>
| <role:identifier> / <field:identifier>
| <function> ( [ <function parameter> ]* )
The most important part of this statement is the navigational expression
of the FROM
clause. These expressions identify a collection of one
or more elements on which to apply the query. A collection may be a
view, a row of a view or the result of traversing an association from
one view to another one.
The clauses WHERE
support the use of navigation fields (e.g. role_customer/customer_name). You can also use scalar functions and their parameters can be navigation fields as well. For example:
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL order_id, order_date, concat( customer / company_name, ' - ', customer / contact_name) as company_contact, shipper / company_name
FROM order
EXPAND customer, shipper
WHERE UPPER(customer / "City") = 'LONDON'
Primary Key Requirement
A navigational query can only traverse an association if the view has a primary
key defined. The page Primary Keys of Views (Administration Guide) explains how to define the primary key of a
view using Design Studio. The Syntax of the statement CREATE TABLE and the Syntax of the CREATE VIEW statement
contain the syntax of the VQL statements to define the primary key when
creating base and derived views.
Operator DIV (/)
To use the division operator in a “navigation field” or expression, use DIV
. /
is not allowed in navigational queries other than to traverse a role.
Cardinality Multiple
When the WHERE clause has navigation fields that navigate to an endpoint with cardinality N, consider this:
The condition is “true” if one or more rows meet the WHERE condition. For example:
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL *, order_detail / *
FROM customer
EXPAND order_detail
WHERE order_detail / discount > 0.2
This query returns the rows of the table “customer” that are associated with one or more rows of “order_detail” whose “discount” is greater than 0.2.
If you use several navigation fields that meet this condition in an OR
condition, these navigation fields have to traverse the same roles. E.g. This is supported:
-- All the navigation fields traverse the role "emails".
WHERE POSITION('' IN emails / email) > 0 OR POSITION('' IN emails / email)
But this condition is unsupported because it uses a non-navigation field (city):
WHERE city = 'Los Angeles' OR POSITION('' IN emails / email) > 0
This limitation does NOT apply to AND conditions. E.g. This is supported:
-- One field is not
WHERE city = 'Santiago de Compostela' AND POSITION('' IN emails / email) > 0
Filtering Conditions on Roles
When you expand roles that navigate to an endpoint with cardinality N, it is possible to filter the collection of results returned for those roles. E.g.:
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL *, order_detail / *
FROM customer
EXPAND order_detail ( WHERE discount > 0.1 )
This query returns all the rows of the table “customer”. The values returned for order_detail / *
will be those whose “discount” is greater than 0.1.
Consider this:
When you define a filtering condition for a role “myrole”, only use fields from the endpoint where “myrole” navigates to. You cannot use navigation fields in these conditions either. That is, a query like this one is invalid because of the condition:
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL *, order_detail / *, order_detail / product_detail / *
FROM customer
EXPAND order_detail ( WHERE product_detail / warehouse_id = 132 ) / product_detail
When you define a filtering condition for a role “myrole” and that role appears more than once in the EXPAND
clause, define the same filtering condition for all the occurrences of “myrole”. For example:
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL *, order_detail / product_detail / *, order_detail / incidence_detail / *
FROM customer
EXPAND order_detail ( WHERE discount > 0.1 ) / product_detail, order_detail ( WHERE discount > 0.1 ) / incidence_detail
Extra Fields
queries return some extra fields in addition to
the ones specified in the SELECT
One additional field for each association of the view. The value of this
field is a register containing:
If the view has the primary key defined, the result will have the field
It provides a path expression that uniquely identifies each row of the
result. The values of this field are registers with the same structure
as the association fields. In this case the value of the rel
attribute is always self
and the path expression is absolute.
Use of “ORDER BY”
You can only add a field to the ORDER BY
clause if query also project that field.
Aggregations (GROUP BY)
SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL does not support doing a GROUP BY that involves expanded fields (e.g. “customer_role / id”).
Let us say we have this:
The view customer
, whose primary key is the field cid
The view order
, whose primary key is the field oid
An association between them called customer_orders
, whose role
name on the view customer
is called final_orders
Consider the following examples of valid navigational expressions:
Query |
Explanation |
FROM customer |
Returns all the rows of
customer . |
FROM customer / 1234 |
Returns the rows with
cid = 1234 .
Note that the client does not need
to know the name of the fields that
form the primary key.
FROM customer / 1234 / final_orders |
Returns all orders by customer with
cid = 1234 . |
FROM customer / 1234 / final_orders
/ 123 / products |
Returns all the products sold in
the order oid = 123 made by the
the customer with cid = 1234 . |
FROM customer / 1234 / final_orders
/ [ field <> ‘value’ ] |
Returns all orders that match the
condition field <> 'value'
and that were made by the
customer with cid = 1234 . |
The remaining clauses (SELECT
) are used in the same way as in the SELECT