
The stored procedure REFRESH_EMBEDDED_MPP_TABLES_METADATA updates the partitions information of all the Embedded MPP views created in Virtual DataPort. If a database is indicated, only the Embedded MPP views of the database will be updated. Otherwise, all Embedded MPP views found in any database will be updated.


      database_name : varchar
    , case_sensitive_partition_scan : boolean
  • database_name (optional): name of the database containing the views to be updated. If this parameter is set to null, all Embedded MPP views found in any database will be updated. Default value: null.

  • case_sensitive_partition_scan (optional): if there exists Hive-style partitions, the procedure will analyze those partitions which name in the file system matches the name defined in the Presto table. If this parameter is set to true, this comparison will be case sensitive. Default value: true.


Currently, this feature is only supported for base views created using the Denodo embedded MPP or PrestoDB data sources.

The procedure returns these field:

  • database_name: name of the database containing the views to be updated.

  • view_database: name of the database where the view is. Same value as database_name if an input database was specified.

  • view_name: name of the view updated.

  • update_status: Success if it was updated correctly, Failure otherwise.

Privileges Required

The user that executes this procedure must have at least CONNECT privilege to the optional database database_name, if any, and WRITE and EXECUTE privileges on the Embedded MPP data source.



This will update the partitions information on the source tables pointed by the Embedded MPP views found in db.

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