Interface StoredProcedureResultSet

public interface StoredProcedureResultSet
This class encapsulates the results generated by a stored procedure.
  • Method Details

    • getColumnInfo

      StoredProcedureParameter[] getColumnInfo()
      Obtains the schema of the procedure parameters.
      the schema of the procedure parameters.
    • addRow

      void addRow(Object[] row)
      Adds a row to the results.
      row - the row to be added to the results.
    • close

      void close()
      Closes the ResultSet.
    • hasMoreElements

      boolean hasMoreElements() throws StoredProcedureException
      Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
      true if and only if this enumeration object contains at least one more element to provide; false otherwise.
      StoredProcedureException - if there is an error during the execution of the procedure.
    • nextElement

      Object nextElement() throws StoredProcedureException
      Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.
      the next element of this enumeration.
      StoredProcedureException - if there is an error during the execution of the procedure.
    • getExecutionPlan

      Obtains the execution plan of the procedure
      the execution plan of the procedure.
      StoredProcedureException - if there is an error obtaining the execution plan.