
The stored procedure GET_CATALOG_METADATA_WS returns information about the web service created in Denodo.


      input_database_name : text
    , input_ws_name : text
  • If input_database_name and input_ws_name are null, the procedure returns information about all the web services of all the databases.

  • If input_ws_name is null, the procedure returns information about all the web services of that database.

For REST web services, the procedure returns one row of each view. For SOAP web services, the procedure returns one row for each input parameter and one for each output parameter, of each operation.

The procedure returns one row per each field of these fields:

  • database_name: name of database of the web service.

  • ws_name: name of the web service.

  • operation_name: for SOAP web services, the name of the operation. For REST web services, the name of the view.

  • ws_type: type of the element. The values can be:

    • REST

    • SOAP

    • <empty> (for web services created in Denodo 4.7 version or earlier)

  • column_name: name of the field.

  • column_type_name: type of the field.

  • input:

    • For SOAP web services: true if it is an input parameter; false if it is an output parameter.

    • For REST web services: true (default); false if the field was marked as “No searchable” with the option “Remove from input”.

  • output:

    • For SOAP web services: false if it is an input parameter; true if it is an output parameter.

    • For REST web services: true (default); false if the field was marked as “Do not output” with the option “Remove from output”.

  • mandatory: true if it is a mandatory input parameter; false if it is not or is an output parameter.

  • operator: for input parameters of SOAP web services, the operator of this parameter; null for other fields.

  • visibility: the type of the operation.

    • For SOAP web services:

      • 1 if the parameter belongs to a query operation.

      • 10 if the parameter belongs to an INSERT operation.

      • 11 if the parameter belongs to an UPDATE operation.

      • 12 if the parameter belongs to a DELETE operation.

    • For REST web services the value is always 1.

  • is_fetch: true if this row represents an input parameter of a SOAP web service to indicate the number of rows to fetch. This is a field added with the option Add pagination of Design Studio. false otherwise.

  • is_offset: true if this row represents an input parameter of a SOAP web service to indicate the number of rows to skip of the result set. This is a field added with the option Add pagination of Design Studio. false otherwise.

  • is_order_by: true if this row represents an input parameter of a SOAP web service to order the results returned by the service. This is a field added with the option Add order by of Design Studio. false otherwise.

  • schema_database: name of database where the element published is located.

  • schema_name: name of the view published. For SOAP web services, this can also be the name of a Denodo stored procedure.

  • schema_type: type of the element published. Possible values:

    • view

    • storedProcedure (only for SOAP web services)


The procedure returns no results if input_database_name or input_ws_name do not exist.

Privileges Required

The results of this procedure changes depending on the privileges granted to the user that runs it.

  • Administrators and users with the role serveradmin can obtain information about all the web services.

  • If the user is an administrator of a database, the procedure will return information about all the services of that database.

  • The procedure will only return information about the web Services over which the user has METADATA privileges.

The procedure never fails because the user lacks the required privileges.


Example 1

SELECT DISTINCT database_name, ws_name
WHERE ws_type = 'SOAP';

Returns the SOAP web services of all the databases. As ws_type is not an input parameter of the procedure, the execution engine executes the procedure and then, filters out the services whose type is not “SOAP”.

Example 2

FROM GET_CATALOG_METADATA_WS('customer_report', 'customer_ws');

Obtains information of the web service “customer_ws” of the database “customer_report”. If the user does not have the privilege METADATA granted over this web service, the procedure does not return any rows.

Example 3

SELECT DISTINCT database_name, ws_name, ws_type
   schema_database = 'customer_report' AND schema_name = 'customer' AND schema_type = 'view';

This query returns all web Services that publish the view “customer” of the database “customer_report”.

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