Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure - User Manual
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This component was deprecated in Denodo 8.0 update 20210209. Since that version, Denodo Scheduler contains an integrated capability for incremental cache load that makes this stored procedure unnecessary. |
Virtual DataPort (VDP) incorporates a system called Cache Module that can store in a JDBC database, a local copy of the data retrieved from the data sources. This may reduce the impact of repeated queries hitting the data source and speed up data retrieval.
The VDP Cache Module allows two cache modes: Partial and Full.
- Partial mode: the cache only stores some of the tuples of the view and, at runtime, when a user queries a view the server checks if the cache contains the data required to answer the query. If the cache does not have this data, the server queries the data source directly.
- Full mode: the data of the view is always retrieved from the cache database instead of from the source.
- Incremental mode: It is a subtype of the full cache mode. Data is obtained from the cache and merged with the most recent data retrieved from the source. Data retrieval from the source is based on a condition like
‘last_modified_date > '@LASTCACHEREFRESH' (<latest date when the cache of the view was refreshed>).
The Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure is another incremental cache refresh method provided by Denodo when using the Full cache mode.
This component retrieves from the data source the new/updated rows since the last time the cache was refreshed and then, merges them with the cached content:
- Given a view that has a primary key.
- It retrieves the identifiers from the source that do not exist yet in the cache, based on a condition configured by the user.
- Those identifiers are used as values in the IN operator in the WHERE clause of the queries that will update the cache.
Notice that this Stored Procedure can only be used with views where rows are never deleted. Otherwise, the refresh process will add/update the changed rows but the cache will still contain the rows removed in the data source.
This approach is useful for incremental refresh processes based on time, where you schedule regular cache loads to refresh the data that have changed in that period.
Check also the ‘Best Practices to Maximize Performance III: Caching’ guide for additional information and examples of incremental cache refresh methods provided by Denodo. Especially the 'Refreshing the Cache’ section.
Warning |
For tables with a very large amount of data it’s very desirable to do a full cache load before using this stored procedure. Check the 'First cache load’ section of this manual for more information. |
Importing the Stored Procedure
For running the Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure you have to load the denodo-incremental-cache-load-{vdpversion}-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar file, using the File > Jar Management menu of the VDP Administration Tool (or File > Extension management in Denodo 7.0).
Adding the Stored Procedure
VQL Shell
You can create the stored procedure with the statement CREATE PROCEDURE:
CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE <name:identifier> CLASSNAME='com.denodo.connect.incrementalcacheload.storedprocedure.IncrementalCacheLoadStoreProcedure’ JARS 'denodo-incremental-cache-load-<vdpversion>'; [ FOLDER = <literal> ] [ DESCRIPTION = <literal> ] |
Virtual DataPort Administration Tool menu
You can add a new stored procedure clicking Stored procedure on the menu File > New:
You must set a name in the Name field and select the Select Jars checkbox in order to use the Jar file, denodo-incremental-cache-load-<vdpversion>-<version>, previously added to the Virtual DataPort Server (see the Importing the extension to the Virtual DataPort Server section for more information).
VDP Cache module
The Virtual DataPort cache module has to be enabled.
When you enable the Cache the default Database Management System (DBMS) is the embedded Apache Derby database but it is highly recommended to change it and use an external one, specially when you are working with high amounts of data. You can use many different DBMS and you can configure it in Administration > Server Configuration > Cache > Connection. Here is an example of a cache database configuration with MySQL 5:
Primary key
The view that is going to be cached, must have a primary key. As the process that updates the cache uses the primary key for considering whether a row from the cache and a row from the source are the same or not.
If the view contains a primary key but you are using databases that use HDFS storage (Hive, Impala, Presto, Spark and Databricks) as the caching engine, then the Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure can only be used for views where rows are never updated in the data source. This is required because of the limitations to execute UPDATE statements in Hadoop-based systems.
Privileges required
The following user privileges are required:
- CONNECT privileges over the DATABASE_NAME specified as the input parameter.
- READ privileges over the VIEW_NAME specified as the input parameter
View configuration
You have to activate the full cache option in the view to be cached.
First cache load
You can use this stored procedure to do an initial full data load in the cache but it’s not the recommended way to do it, specifically if the table to be loaded has a very large amount of data. Therefore, if we want to the best way to do a first load of all the records of a view (for example, a view called test_table) into the cache would be:
SELECT * FROM test_table CONTEXT ( 'cache_preload' = 'true' , 'cache_invalidate' = 'all_rows' , 'cache_wait_for_load' = 'true' , 'cache_return_query_results' = 'false'); |
Check the Full cache module guide for additional information regarding the full cache load.
The stored procedure requires the following input parameters:
- DATABASE_NAME (mandatory): the Virtual DataPort’s database name where is the view that you want to cache.
- VIEW_NAME (mandatory): the view name that the Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure will cache.
- LAST_UPDATE_CONDITION (mandatory): the condition that retrieves data from the source that does not exist yet in the cache and that will be loaded in the cache by this stored procedure.
For example: 'last_update > ''2020-08-10''' (note that you have to escape the single quotes).
A typical condition to periodically refresh the cache of a view, will be of the form 'last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH', where last_modified refers to a column in the view representing the last time the row was updated, and @LASTCACHEREFRESH is an interpolation variable that Denodo will replace at runtime with the timestamp representing the last time the cache was refreshed.
To automate this, refresh the cache of a view periodically, the best option is to configure a VDPCache job in the Denodo Scheduler that internally uses this Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure.
- NUM_ELEMENTS_IN_CLAUSE (mandatory): the chunk size of the IN operator in the queries that are going to update de cache.
This parameter is used to try to get the best performance, as this procedure may have to move a very large amount of data and the time elapsed will depend directly on this variable. It has to be greater than 0 and is limited depending on every database system limitations.
As every scenario is different, it is difficult to propose an optimal chunk size. However, chunks between 5.000 and 20.000 get the best performance.
Note that if database or view were created with special chars or if they are case sensitive, the parameter must be surrounded with double quotes. For example, if you have a view called bv_example.view you should set the VIEW_NAME parameter as “bv_example.view”:
CALL INCREMENTAL_CACHE_LOAD('”test test”', '”bv_example.view”', 'id > 20', 10000); |
There are four possibilities for executing the stored procedure:
- Click the Execute button in the dialog that displays the schema of the stored procedure. The VDP Administration Tool will show a dialog to enter the input values.
- Execute the CALL statement from the VQL Shell:
CALL INCREMENTAL_CACHE_LOAD('database_name', 'view_name', 'id > 20', 10000); |
- Execute as a SELECT statement in the VQL Shell:
SELECT * FROM INCREMENTAL_CACHE_LOAD('database_name', 'view_name', 'id > 20', 10000); |
- Execute as a SELECT statement in the VQL Shell:
The Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure has an output parameter, NUM_UPDATED_ROWS, that returns the number of rows updated in the cache.
Use of Denodo Scheduler
To perform cache loads periodically in order to keep the data updated in the cache, you can use a VDPCache job in the Denodo Scheduler that internally uses this Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure.
Using the SP with derived views
It is important to notice that, due to the nature of the process performed by this stored procedure, it’s quite simple to use it with base views, as you may only have to check an atomic condition over some data field of the mentioned view. But for derived views, you will have to make sure that you update the cache when you have new records in any of the views underlying the derived view.
Consider a join view with these two views: customer and support cases. And that the LAST_UPDATE_CONDITION is like last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH, (@LASTCACHEREFRESH is an interpolation variable that Denodo will replace at runtime with the timestamp representing the last time the cache was refreshed).
CUSTOMER ========== c_id | name | last_modified -------------------------------------- 1 | ACME | 20180626 2 | EMCA | 20180626 |
SUPPORT CASE ============= sp_id | c_id | description | last_modified ------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | desc1 | 20180626 2 | 1 | desc2 | 20180626
DV_CUSTOMER_J_SUPPORT CASE ============================= c_id | name | c_last_modified | sp_id | description | sc_last_modified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ACME | 20180626 | 1 | desc1 | 20180626 1 | ACME | 20180626 | 2 | desc2 | 20180626 |
In the first execution of the stored procedure both the content of customer and support case will be loaded in the cache of this join view.
CUSTOMER ========== c_id | name | last_modified -------------------------------------- 1 | ACME | 20180626 2 | EMCA | 20180626 |
SUPPORT CASE ============= sp_id | c_id | description | last_modified ------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | desc1 | 20180626 2 | 1 | desc2 | 20180626 3 | 2 | desc3 | 20180627 |
DV_CUSTOMER_J_SUPPORT CASE ============================= c_id | name | c_last_modified | sp_id | description | sc_last_modified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ACME | 20180626 | 1 | desc1 | 20180626 1 | ACME | 20180626 | 2 | desc2 | 20180626 1 | ACME | 20180626 | 3 | desc3 | 20180627 |
In the next execution of the stored procedure the next day, for example, the only tuple that matches the LAST_UPDATE_CONDITION is the one added in the support case. In the customer side there are no new tuples. If the condition set in the stored procedure only checks one of the views (like we’ll usually do for base views), you may lose data in the cache.
So if we execute the stored procedure as follows:
CALL INCREMENTAL_CACHE_LOAD('test', 'dv_customer_j_support_case', 'c_last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH', 1); |
The procedure won’t find any rows matching the condition because there aren’t new registers in the customer view and the cache won’t be updated.
The most effective solution to this issue –valid even for cases where referential integrity might not be enforced– is including in the cache update condition the update conditions of all involved base views, so in this example will result this way:
CALL INCREMENTAL_CACHE_LOAD('test', 'dv_customer_j_support_case', 'c_last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH OR sc_last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH', 1); |
Note that we need to use OR with the conditions, otherwise we may face the same problem that we had when we only checked the last modified date of one view only. If the clause AND is used, the cache won’t be updated because only sc_last_modified > @LASTCACHEREFRESH is true.
Synchronous process
The execution of Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure is synchronous. The stored procedure prevents Virtual DataPort Server from processing the data but it will wait until the end of the process.
Timeout considerations
The process of loading the cache can be quite long, depending on how much data you need to move. If you invoke the Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure using the Administration Tool you must revise the Admin Tool Preferences where you can change the query timeout. If the value 0 is specified, the tool will wait indefinitely until the process ends.
Derby limitation with CONCAT function
VDP doesn’t delegate the CONCAT function over Derby data sources at the moment. Caching views with a primary key composed of more than one field needs to use this function in the scenario where any amount of rows need to be invalidated, so in the case of complex primary keys you won't be able to use Derby as cache and you’ll need to use another different source.
“Allow literal as parameter” configuration in data sources
If you are experiencing unusual low performance with the Denodo Incremental Cache Load Stored Procedure, a possible workaround could be disabling “Allow literal as parameter” in the data source configuration. In some scenarios, and using high values (such as 1000 and over) for the NUM_ELEMENTS_IN_CLAUSE parameter, the performance could increase.
If you have other queries using this data source, you may want to check if disabling this option affects their performance.