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Denodo Email Exported Files Custom Handler - User Manual

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email-exported-files is a Scheduler custom handler which creates and sends an email containing data from the job’s exporters. The exported files are either attached to the email or copied into the body of the email.

Note: currently supported exporters are: CSV exporter, SQL exporter and Generic XML exporter (files created by other custom exporters are not tested).


If you use this handler with Denodo 6 the update 20170515 is required.

How to Install

To install the email-exported-files handler, first download it from the Denodo Support Site.  Once uncompressed, connect to the Scheduler Server via the Scheduler Admin Tool.

After connecting go to “Configurations → Plugins” to access the “Plugins Configuration” section.  

Then click “New Plugin”.  

Upload the  denodo-emailexportedfiles-customhandler-jar-with-dependencies.jar file and click “Accept”.  After the success page, you will see the new handler in the “Plugins” section.

How to Add the Handler to a Job

To add the email-exported-files handler to a job, first connect to the Scheduler Server via the Scheduler Admin Tool.   Then select the job that will use the handler (or add a ‘New Job’).


Navigate to the “Handler section” tab.  Click “Edit Job”. Then click “New Handler →


Fill in the input fields.  When done editing the job click “Save”

Email-exported-files Handler input parameters

The custom handler has one mandatory parameter:

  • Emails: the distribution list of email addresses separated by commas.

There are six optional parameters:

  • Subject (optional): the subject of the email.  If left blank, the subject set in the server specifications configuration is used.

  • Email Body (optional): the value of this parameter will be written into the email body before the exported content. It can be text plain or HTML.

  • Email Footer (optional): the value of this parameter will be written into the email body after the exported content. It can be plain text or HTML.

  • Write File in Email: if checked (if true), then the exported files are copied into the body of the email.  If not checked (if false), the exported files are attached to the email.  By default, the parameter is left unchecked.

  • Use HTML in Email content: if checked (if true), then the body of the email is sent as HTML.  By default, the parameter is left unchecked (the content will be plain text).

  • Include Execution Report in the Email: if checked (if true), then the body of the email will contain the Job Report information.  By default, the parameter is left unchecked (no information about the job will be written in the email).

Mail Configuration

You have to configure the Mail configuration of scheduler in the section to use this handler. For more information see section 4.2 Server Configuration in the Scheduler Administration Guide.