Denodo SFTP Exported Files Custom Handler - User Manual
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The Denodo SFTP Exported Files Custom Handler is a Denodo Scheduler custom handler that copies data output by the job’s exporters via SFTP. The exported files are copied to the SFTP server into the destination folder and if you choose the delete option, the files are deleted from the VDP server afterwards.
Note: currently supported exporters are: CSV Exporter, Generic XML Exporter and SQL Exporter (Denodo 7.0 and previous versions). Files created by other custom exporters have not been officially tested.
How to Install
To install the sftp-exported-files handler, first download it from the Denodo Support Site. Once uncompressed, connect to the Scheduler Server via the Scheduler Admin Tool.
Denodo 6 and 7
After connecting, go to “Configurations → Plugins” to access the “Plugins Configuration” section.
Then click “New Plugin”.
Using that form, upload the file from the distribution named denodo-sftp-customhandler-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar and click “Accept”. After the success page, you will see the new handler in the “Plugins” section.
Denodo 8
Go to “Administration → Extensions” and then navigate to the “Plugin Settings” tab.
Now, you should click on the “Add plugin” button and a popup will appear.
Using that form, upload the file from the distribution named denodo-sftp-customhandler-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar and click “Add plugin”. After the success page, you will see the new handler in the “Plugin settings” section.
How to Add the Handler to a Job
To add the sftp-exported-files handler to a job, first connect to the Scheduler Server via the Scheduler Admin Tool. Then select the job that will use the handler (or add a ‘New Job’).
Navigate to the “Handler section” tab. Click “Edit Job”. Then click “New Handler →
Fill in the input fields. When done editing the job, click “Save”
SFTP-exported-files Handler input parameters
- Host: SFTP host. It is a mandatory field.
- Port: SFTP Port Number. SFTP usually uses port 22 but can be configured to run on nearly any port. It is a mandatory field.
- Destination folder: Folder into which exported files will be copied at the SFTP server. It is a mandatory field. The Destination folder may contain variables, which will be replaced by their corresponding values at execution time (they take their value from the job data). The allowed variables are: projectName, projectID, jobName, jobID and jobStartTime, with the format @{<var_name>}. It is possible to format the jobStartTime variable by specifying output date pattern. The syntax is @{jobStartTime,outputDateFormat:yyyy-MM-dd}. As an example:
[@{projectName}_@{jobName}_@{jobID}]@{jobStartTime,outputDateFormat:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}
- User: SFTP user. It is a mandatory field.
- Password: SFTP password. You can use Keyfile instead of the password.
- Key File: Filepath of the private key.
- Passphrase: Passphrase of the private key
- Delete files: If you choose this option the exported files will be deleted from server VDP after being transferred.
You can configure the handler using the user and the password to connect to the SFTP server. Or specifying the location of the private key file with the Key File parameter and its passphrase.
You have to also configure the folder where you want to copy the exported files with the Destination folder parameter. In addition, you have the possibility to eliminate the exported files generated by scheduler if you select the Delete files option. Note that, with this option checked, even if the connection with the SFTP server fails during transmission the generated files will be deleted.