Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra - User Manual
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This is the user manual for Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. If you are using IBM® InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog (IGC), check the Denodo Governance Bridge for IGC - User Manual. Alternatively, if you are using Microsoft Purview, refer to the Denodo Governance Bridge for Microsoft Purview - User Manual.
Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra retrieves metadata from Denodo Platform, transforms and upserts it to a Collibra Platform instance as assets and complex relations.
On the other hand, Collibra Data Lineage does not currently support integration of Denodo data source. However it offers the opportunity to create a custom technical lineage following a specification. Conforming to this specification, called batch definition, the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra is able to create a folder with the necessary files to load the Denodo Technical Lineage into Collibra via Edge or via Lineage Harvester.
Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra Synchronization Overview
Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra provides a service that allows the user to keep synchronized the Collibra Platform instance with the Denodo metadata.
The following metadata is fetched from Denodo Platform:
- Databases
- Folders
- Data Sources
- Base Views
- Derived Views
- Interface Views
- Columns
To carry out this integration, Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra needs the creation of a metamodel that is necessary to provide a structure for representing Denodo elements as Collibra assets. The table below shows how the data is mapped:
Denodo |
Collibra Platform Asset Type |
Database |
Schema |
Folder |
Denodo Folder |
Data Source |
Denodo Data Source |
Base View |
Table |
Derived View |
Database View (Table type attribute: Derived View) |
Interface View |
Database View (Table type attribute: Interface View) |
Materialized View |
Database View (Table type attribute: Materialized View) |
Private View |
Database View (Table type attribute: Private View) |
Column |
Column |
The following images show a Denodo database sample and its representation in Collibra Platform:
Figure 1 Denodo Platform database sample
Figure 2 Diagram example in Collibra Platform result of a Denodo Governance Bridge synchronization
It is important to highlight that Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra is compatible with Collibra Edge since the 20240123 version. This means that a synchronization performed via Edge can be completed with the metadata imported using the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra and vice versa. Nevertheless, the changes required to achieve compatibility, aimed at matching structures and naming conventions in Edge, break the backward compatibility of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra.
Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra Technical Lineage Overview
Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra provides a service endpoint that generates a folder with the custom technical lineage for Denodo according to the batch definition format. This technical lineage can be loaded into Collibra via the Lineage Harvester or via Edge.
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra requires Java 8 or later and the environment variables JAVA_HOME and PATH correctly configured.
It is also important to highlight that if there are Unicode characters, for example space characters, in the names of the elements to be synchronized or for which you are going to create technical lineage, you must have Unicode support enabled in the Denodo Virtual DataPort server to achieve a correct synchronization in Collibra.
The Denodo Governance Bridge distribution consists of three folders that contains the distribution for each module:
- denodo-igc-governance-bridge-<version> for the Denodo Governance Bridge for IGC.
- denodo-collibra-governance-bridge-<version> for the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra.
- denodo-purview-governance-bridge-<version> for the Denodo Governance Bridge for Microsoft Purview.
Installation of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra
The distribution of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra consists of:
- Command-line executable scripts for Windows and Linux (/bin folder)
- Configuration files: and log4j2.xml (/conf folder)
- A CMA file, denodo-collibra-metamodel.cma, that can be used to set up the Collibra Platform metamodel (/conf folder). See the Create Collibra metamodel section.
- A sample JSON file, input-sync.json, required for the execution using the script to synchronize (/conf folder). See the Synchronization script subsection under the Synchronize Denodo VDP with Collibra Platform instance section.
- A sample JSON file, input-technical-lineage.json, required for the execution using the script to generate technical lineage (/conf folder). See the Technical lineage generation script subsection under the Generate technical lineage section.
- Java libraries (/lib folder)
- Denodo Governance Bridge application jar:
- Denodo driver jar: denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-<version>-full.jar
If you need to use a different Denodo driver version from the one that is distributed, you have to replace this jar by the Denodo driver of the proper version.
In order to install the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra, just download the .zip file and extract the tool into the desired folder.
Before running the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra, the user has to review and complete the file. It has some default properties that can be reset and some connection information that should be setted. Consult the section Configuration of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra for more detailed information.
After completing the configuration and running the script|bat available in the /bin folder, you can trigger the application.
Configuration of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra
The file, available in the /conf folder, allows the user to set the properties required to run the application.
Collibra connection properties
- collibra.url: URL of the Collibra Platform instance
- collibra.username: username for the Collibra Platform instance
- collibra.password: password for the Collibra Platform instance. It could be encrypted or clear. See the How to encrypt passwords section for a detailed explanation.
Denodo connection properties
- denodo.driver-class-name: the class name of the Denodo JDBC driver
- Denodo host name
- denodo.username: username used to connect to Denodo Platform
- denodo.password: password used to connect to Denodo Platform. It could be encrypted or clear. See the How to encrypt passwords section for a detailed explanation.
- denodo.url: Denodo JDBC connection URL
- denodo.restful.base-url: URL where the Denodo RESTful web service is deployed
- denodo.restful.views-path: path to the views
- denodo.datacatalog.base-url: URL for accessing the Denodo Data Catalog (available since Denodo 8.0)
- denodo.datacatalog.views-path: path to the views (available since Denodo 8.0)
Collibra custom constants
These properties are used to map the custom types, required by the application to represent the Denodo elements in Collibra (see the Create Collibra metamodel section for further information), to their Collibra Platform ID.
If the user setup the Collibra Platform instance using the included CMA file, these values can be left as is. Otherwise, please check the Mapping Collibra Platform type identifiers to custom constants subsection in the Create Collibra metamodel section.
Technical lineage properties
There are two optional properties regarding the generation of technical lineage:
- technical.lineage.destination.folder: the destination folder name. This folder will be available in the denodo-collibra-governance-bridge-<version> directory, after triggering the technical lineage generation, and will contain the files and folders necessary to create the technical lineage in Collibra. The default value is “TechnicalLineage”.
- technical.lineage.flows.number.file: the number of flows per lineage.json file. This lineage file is created to define the lineage relation between two or more data objects. Each flow contains the path from a source to a target and defines the transformation code or transformation references to be processed by the Collibra Data Lineage service. If the user does not set a number of flows per file, the service will create a single lineage_1.json file.
Create Collibra metamodel
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra needs a specific metamodel on the Collibra Platform instance. This expected metamodel includes some out-of-the-box types but it also includes custom types that the user should create before running this application.
This Denodo-Collibra integration includes a CMA file that can be used to prepare the required metamodel. However, this section will outline the custom elements that should be available on the Collibra Platform instance. This allows the user to create the metamodel on his own, without a CMA file.
The user must create a Domain or Domains with the Physical Data Dictionary type where the Denodo integration assets will be upserted.
The CMA creates a root-level community named Denodo-Collibra Integration that has a domain named Denodo Data Dictionary. Note that only one domain (Denodo-Collibra Integration ) is included in the CMA. However, this integration supports separate domains for each Denodo database.
Asset Types
Asset Type |
Description |
Parent Asset Type |
Denodo Folder |
Represents a Denodo folder |
BI Folder |
Denodo Data Source |
Represents a Denodo data source |
BI Data Source |
Attribute Types
Attribute Type |
Description |
Kind |
Dependency Type |
The dependency (e.g. Union) between two views |
Text |
Multiplicity |
The multiplicity of the column-to-column associations |
Text |
Left Role Description |
The left role description of the column-to-column associations |
Text |
Right Role Description |
The right role description of the column-to-column associations |
Text |
Cache Status |
The cache status of the respective view |
Text |
View Status |
The status of the respective view (available since Denodo 8.0) |
Text |
Relation Types
Head |
Role |
Co-Role |
Tail |
Schema |
contains |
is part of |
Denodo Folder |
Complex Relation Types
Head |
Leg 1 |
Leg 2 |
Attributes |
Description |
Denodo View Dependency |
Name |
Name |
Dependency Type |
Complex relation type used to provide the Denodo views lineage |
source |
target |
Asset Type |
Asset type |
Table (1:N) |
Table (1:1) |
Denodo Column Association |
Name |
Name |
Multiplicity Left Role Description Right Role Description |
Complex relation type used to represent the column-to- column associations |
source |
target |
Asset Type |
Asset Type |
Column (1:1) |
Column (1:1) |
A custom scope should be created in Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud in order to refer to it in the assignments created during the set up configuration. It must also be added to the domain or domains where the Denodo assets are upserted.
The CMA file creates Denodo-Collibra Integration Scope
The following scoped assignments should be created:
Asset Type |
Add |
Schema |
Relations: contains Denodo Folder |
Denodo Folder |
Relations: is part of Schema |
Table |
Attributes: URL, Cache Status, View Status Relations: Denodo View Dependency |
Database View |
Attributes: URL, Cache Status, View Status Relations: Denodo View Dependency |
Column |
Relations: Denodo Column Association |
Mapping Collibra Platform type identifiers to custom constants
Once the metamodel is created without using the CMA file, the custom constants identifiers available in the file have to be updated.
The table below shows the mapping between Collibra Platform type and custom constants:
Collibra Platform type |
Custom constant |
Denodo Folder |
customconstant.denodo.folder |
Denodo Data Source | |
Dependency Type |
customconstant.denodoview.complexrelation.dependencytype |
Multiplicity |
customconstant.denodoassociation.complexrelation.multiplicity |
Left Role Description |
customconstant.denodoassociation.complexrelation.leftroledescription |
Right Role Description |
customconstant.denodoassociation.complexrelation.rightroledescription |
Cache Status |
customconstant.cache.status |
View Status |
customconstant.view.status |
Schema contains/is part of Denodo Folder |
customconstant.schema.contains.denodofolder |
Denodo View Dependency |
customconstant.denodoview.dependency |
Denodo View Dependency: source |
customconstant.denodoview.complexrelation.source |
Denodo View Dependency: target | |
Denodo Column Association |
customconstant.denodocolumn.association |
Denodo Column Association: source |
customconstant.denodoassociation.complexrelation.source |
Denodo Column Association: target | |
Synchronize Denodo VDP with Collibra Platform instance
Once the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra is up and running (script denodo-collibra-|bat) it offers four methods that trigger the synchronization of Denodo Platform metadata with Collibra Platform:
- Service endpoint
- Synchronization script
- Collibra Platform Workflow
- Cron Scheduler
Note that due to the compatibility of Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra with Collibra Edge, available since the 20240123 version, there is a mandatory property to specify the Collibra Edge connection name created to communicate with the Denodo instance where there is the data to be synchronized. This property should be specified in each synchronization to be able to unify the features offered by both Edge and Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. Depending on the method used to trigger the process it can be set on the request body or using properties defined in the file. See the corresponding section for more detailed information.
The Collibra Edge connection, whose name is required, can be created in Collibra after performing the synchronization using Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. If it is created with the name specified in the synchronization carried out with Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra and the same pair (Denodo database, Collibra domain id) is specified in both synchronizations, the metadata will be synchronized via Edge and Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. Nevertheless, note that the changes required to achieve compatibility, aimed at matching structures and naming conventions in Edge, break the backward compatibility of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra.
Service endpoint
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra offers an endpoint service that should be requested using an HTTPS POST method:
https://<server-host>:<server.port>/api/sync |
The server.port is 8442 by default but the user can configure it in the file.
The request body should be a JSON object defining the Edge connection name of the Collibra Edge connection created to communicate with the Denodo instance where there is the data to be synchronized and, for each database, the name and the respective Collibra domain ID that should be used. Example:
{ "edgeConnectionName":"DenodoEdge", "databaseDomains":{ "denodo_database_01":"b6d78bb4-8905-4f6c-88a7-039540eeeff3", "denodo_database_02":"b6d78bb4-8905-4f6c-88a7-039540eeeff3" } } |
Accordingly, the Content-Type header must be added:
Content-Type: application/json |
The output shows information about created and un/modified asset counts. Example:
{ "Column": { "created": 15, "un/modified": 95 }, "Database View": { "created": 0, "un/modified": 1 }, "Database": { "created": 0, "un/modified": 1 }, "Table": { "created": 5, "un/modified": 11 }, "Denodo Data Source": { "created": 1, "un/modified": 1 }, "Schema": { "created": 0, "un/modified": 1 }, "Denodo Folder": { "created": 1, "un/modified": 2 } } |
After the synchronization, the user will have the Denodo metadata available in the Collibra Platform instance:
Figure 3 Domain in Collibra Platform instance with Denodo Platform metadata
Synchronization script
In the bin directory of the distribution you will find the script execute the script|bat. You can execute it in order to trigger the synchronization:
$ cd denodo-collibra-governance-bridge-<VERSION> $ bin/ conf/input-sync.json |
This script uses curl for invoking the synchronization service endpoint of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. You can check if you have curl installed in your system using the command:
$ curl --version |
If curl is not there you can install it from
The|bat script needs a JSON file with a JSON object defining the Edge connection name of the Collibra Edge connection created to communicate with the Denodo instance where there is the data to be synchronized and, for each Denodo database, the name and the respective Collibra domain ID that should be used.
input-sync.json sample file
{ "edgeConnectionName":"DenodoEdge", "databaseDomains":{ "Database1":"b6d78bb4-8905-4f6c-88a7-039540eeeff3", "Database2":"b6d78bb4-8905-4f6c-88a7-039540eeeff3" } } |
The output shows information about created and un/modified asset counts. Example:
$ bin/ conf/input-sync.json HTTP/1.1 200 Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:49:12 GMT {"Column":{"created":99,"un/modified":0},"Table":{"created":3,"un/modified":0},"Database":{"created":0,"un/modified":1},"Schema":{"created":1,"un/modified":0},"Denodo Folder":{"created":2,"un/modified":0},"Denodo Data Source":{"created":2,"un/modified":0}} |
Note that the output of the script also includes the HTTP response headers. You can check the HTTP status code to see if the synchronization was OK.
Collibra Platform Workflow
Whenever the user wants a Collibra Workflow to communicate with the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra, they can create a user task for the integration to pick it up.
The Collibra Workflow can be a simple workflow that creates a user task called Sync Data User Task. This workflow should be configured to be applied to specific domain types that reside under a particular Collibra Community. After that, the user can start the workflow by simply pressing a button on the domain:
Figure 4 Sync Data User Task button
Check the Collibra Workflow Event-Driven Triggering for Spring Boot Integrations documentation, available in the Collibra Marketplace, for more detailed information.
Note that the user has to configure, in the file, the trigger.collibra.workflow properties:
- trigger.collibra.workflow.enabled: true to enable the Collibra Workflow triggering
- frequency in milliseconds used by the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra to check for Collibra Workflow triggers
- trigger.collibra.workflow.user-task: name of the Collibra Workflow user task that should be used
- name of the Collibra Edge connection created to communicate with the Denodo instance where there is the data to be synchronized
- trigger.collibra.workflow.database: Denodo database name that should be processed once the Collibra Workflow is triggered using the Sync Data User Task
- ID of the Collibra domain that must be used when the Collibra Workflow is triggered using the Sync Data User Task
Cron Scheduler
The synchronization, using the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra, can be triggered using a cron scheduler. To accomplish this, there are two properties in the file:
- trigger.scheduler.cron.enabled: true if the user wants to use this triggering mode
- trigger.scheduler.cron.expression: cron expression to establish the frequency when the synchronization should be automatically triggered. This cron expression has 6 fields:
- The seconds at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 0 to 59)
- The minute at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 0 to 59)
- The hour at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 0 to 23)
- The day of the month at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 1 to 31)
- The month at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 1 to 12, or JAN-DEC)
- The day of the week at which it should be triggered. (Valid values are: 0 to 7, or MON-SUN)
trigger.scheduler.cron.enabled=true trigger.scheduler.cron.expression=0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI |
Based on this cron configuration example, the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra would be triggered on the hour nine-to-five on weekdays.
For more information about the cron expression, please refer to the Spring Boot documentation
Note that this synchronization mode will use the information setting in the and collibra.domain.ids properties of the file: collibra.domain.ids={\ "Denodo_database_01": "12d2a285-6dc3-4368-ba87-6a9295377fce",\ "Denodo_database_02": "08245c84-10bc-4a33-a36b-8f71715a123f"\ } |
Denodo technical lineage
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra shows relations between Denodo elements that give rise to Denodo Derived Views.
Figure 5 Denodo View Dependency example
However, the technical lineage is not created as a result of a synchronization but the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra provides the possibility to generate technical lineage that can then be loaded into Collibra.
The way to relate the Denodo assets with the corresponding connection from Collibra is via Edge. Before synchronizing a Denodo database via Edge, the user has to register a data source. This registration creates an initial structure in a selected community in Collibra Data Catalog and allows the synchronization and the generation of the corresponding relation of type Technology Asset groups / is grouped by Technology Asset between a System asset and the Denodo database asset.
Without this synchronization via Edge the assets do not have a connection to the System asset, therefore the technical lineage is not able to stitch the columns and tables with their corresponding assets from the Collibra Data Catalog. It is important to point out that this applies both to assets corresponding to Denodo elements and to those corresponding to other sources with which it is desired to establish a technical lineage through the files generated by Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra because they correspond to data sources from the synchronized Denodo databases.
In order to perform the stitching of elements, the Denodo Technical Lineage generated by the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra specifies the system data object name, consequently the useCollibraSystemName property in the lineage harvester configuration file should be set to true.
Note that the metadata synchronizations between Collibra and Denodo made via Edge or via Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra are compatible, this means that even if a synchronization via Edge is necessary, a synchronization via Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra should also be done in order to have more complete information.
Generate technical lineage
Once the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra is up and running (script denodo-collibra-|bat) it offers two methods to generate a folder with the Denodo technical lineage:
- Service endpoint
- Technical lineage generation script
Service endpoint
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra offers an endpoint service that should be requested using an HTTPS POST method:
https://<server-host>:<server.port>/api/generateTechnicalLineage |
The server.port is 8442 by default but the user can configure it in the file.
The request body should be a JSON object defining:
- The System asset name that was selected when registering the data source related to the Denodo databases for which you want to generate the technical lineage information.
- A JSON array with the Denodo database names the technical lineage is to be generated for.
{ "systemAssetName":"systemAssetName", "denodoDatabases":["db01", "db02", "db03"] } |
Optionally, if you want to include the technical lineage with data sources that are also synchronized with Collibra, you should add a mapping in the request body. This mapping must specify the System asset and database that are related with each Denodo database and data source that will be exported.
As the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra cannot deduce the default schema of a source database it can also be included in the mapping. This is required for Denodo Base Views that were built using a SQL statement in Denodo without specifying the schema because the source has a default value.
{ "systemAssetName":"systemAssetName", "denodoDatabases":["db01", "db02", "db03"], "mappings":[ {"denodoDatabase":"db01", "dataSource":"ds01", "systemAssetName":"CollibraSystemAsset01", "sourceDatabase":"sourceDB01", "defaultSchemaSourceDatabase":"public"}, {"denodoDatabase":"db02", "dataSource":"ds02", "systemAssetName":"CollibraSystemAsset02", "sourceDatabase":"sourceDB02", "defaultSchemaSourceDatabase":"dbo"} ] } |
This mapping field is mandatory if you want to complete the lineage path between Denodo DataSources and other Collibra Database assets that have been formerly imported into Collibra.
Accordingly with the request body, the Content-Type header must be added:
Content-Type: application/json |
The output shows information about the Denodo databases processed and included in the technical lineage generated. Example:
{ "Technical Lineage generated for Denodo databases : ": "["db01", "db02", "db03"]" } |
Technical lineage generation script
In the bin directory of the distribution you will find the script execute the script|bat. You can execute it in order to generate the Denodo technical lineage for Collibra:
$ cd denodo-collibra-governance-bridge-<VERSION> $ bin/ conf/input-technical-lineage.json |
This script uses curl for invoking the service endpoint of the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra that generates the Denodo technical lineage. You can check if you have curl installed in your system using the command:
$ curl --version |
If curl is not there you can install it from
The|bat script needs a JSON file with a JSON object defining the System asset that allows the identification of the assets linked to a given Denodo connection previously synchronized and the name of the Denodo databases for which the user wants to generate the technical lineage.
Optionally, if you want to include the technical lineage with data sources that are also synchronized with Collibra, you should add a mapping in the request body. This mapping must specify the System asset and database that are related with each Denodo database and data source that will be exported.
As the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra cannot deduce the default schema of a source database it can also be included in the mapping. This is required for Denodo Base Views that were built using a SQL statement in Denodo without specifying the schema because the source has a default value.
input-technical-lineage.json sample file
{ "systemAssetName":"systemAssetName", "denodoDatabases":["bookstore", "test01"], "mappings":[ {"denodoDatabase":"bookstore", "dataSource":"ds01", "systemAssetName":"CollibraSystemAsset01", "sourceDatabase":"sourceDB01", "defaultSchemaSourceDatabase":"public"}, {"denodoDatabase":"test01", "dataSource":"ds02", "systemAssetName":"CollibraSystemAsset02", "sourceDatabase":"sourceDB02", "defaultSchemaSourceDatabase":"dbo"} ] } |
The output shows the name of the Denodo databases for which the technical lineage has been created. Example:
$ bin/ conf/input-technical-lineage.json HTTP/1.1 200 Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:53:14 GMT {"Technical Lineage generated for Denodo databases : ":"[bookstore, test01]"} |
Note that the output of the script also includes the HTTP response headers. You can check the HTTP status code to see if the process was OK.
Technical lineage result folder
After the technical lineage generation, the user will have a folder in the denodo-collibra-governance-bridge-<version> directory with the name specified in the technical.lineage.destination.folder property of the file. By default the destination folder name is TechnicalLineage. Note that if this folder already exists it will be deleted during the process of creating the new Denodo technical lineage files for the current request.
The result folder will contain:
- The metadata file (metadata.json). This file is used to provide the JSON architecture version, the data source type, and asset type UUIDs of the assets you want to include in the technical lineage
- One or more lineage_<id>.json files. These files are used to define the lineage relation between two or more data objects.
- The source_codes folder. This subfolder contains the transformation code in several VQL files.
These files follow the Collibra batch definition format.
Create the Denodo Technical Lineage in Collibra
The user can synchronize the generated custom technical lineage (see Generate technical lineage section), available in the TechnicalLineage folder or in the folder specified in the technical.lineage.destination.folder property, via the Lineage Harvester or via Edge.
The directory with the Denodo technical lineage should be referred to by the lineage harvester configuration file, when the process is going to be triggered via Lineage Harvester, or by the Shared Storage connection, when the process is going to be triggered via Edge. As a result of the synchronization, Collibra Data Lineage generates a technical lineage based on the definitions included in the Denodo technical lineage folder.
Figure 6 Denodo technical lineage example
If you select the "Show code" button, the VQL corresponding to the view on which you are viewing the technical lineage is displayed at the bottom, as shown in the image above.
It is important to highlight that to stitch assets in Collibra Data Catalog to data objects collected by the lineage harvester, the assets must have been added with an Edge synchronization. This is due to the fact that Edge establishes the connection between the assets and the System asset. It is the System asset that allows the identification of the assets linked to a given Denodo connection or to another type of data source that can be involved in the technical lineage generated by the Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra. See the Considerations section for more detailed information.
If you have added the mapping between the data sources used by Denodo and the same sources synchronized in Collibra (see the Generate technical lineage section for further details), you will be able to see the complete information in the technical lineage viewer.
Figure 7 Denodo technical lineage including lineage to sources
Note that Denodo private views, created as internal views in Denodo, are synchronized with Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra to properly represent the view lineage but they are not linked to a System asset, therefore they are not stitched by the Collibra Data Lineage.
Figure 8 Denodo technical lineage with a private view example
Sample data
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra transforms and upserts Denodo Platform metadata to a Collibra Platform instance but it does not collect sample data. You can use Edge in order to establish a connection to Denodo using the JDBC driver and then register, profile and classify Denodo data via Edge.
How to encrypt passwords
The Denodo Governance Bridge for Collibra expects encrypted passwords in the to appear surrounded by ENC(...). You can compute these values using the Jasypt CLI tools, and use the DENODO_EXPORT_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD environment variable, or Java system property, to communicate the encryption password to the Denodo Governance Bridge.
This way, you can use encrypted passwords in the file:
... password=ENC(s2FdirMK4QORq1HZ6tcTTQ==) ... |
These are the steps for encrypting passwords:
- Download Jasypt CLI tools.
- Choose an encryption password, e.g., mypassword.
- Go to jasypt/bin.
- Run encrypt.bat with the input parameter and password parameter:
- input parameter - this is the string you want to encrypt.
- password parameter - this is the password that Jasypt is going to use to encrypt and decrypt the input parameter.
Your command should look like this:
Take note of the output. Example output: zrass64ls4LIx5hdFoXXyA==.
- Open your file, replace the password you want to encrypt with the output from Step 4: ENC(zrass64ls4LIx5hdFoXXyA==).
Example in the file:
Before Jasypt: password=admin After Jasypt password=ENC(zrass64ls4LIx5hdFoXXyA==) |
- Add an environment variable, or Java system property to the Denodo Governance Bridge start script, with the name DENODO_EXPORT_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD, and value of mypassword, but use your real encryption password.