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In Denodo Virtual DataPort when importing a base view from an Oracle data source it is possible to import the columns along with their descriptions as defined in the Oracle source. To do so, enable the TABLE_REMARKS property in the JDBC data source configuration to instruct Oracle to allow Denodo to retrieve the column description when introspecting the schema.

In order to enable this property, in the Oracle data source configuration of Virtual DataPort do the following,

  • Click on “Driver Properties
  • Locate the property remarksReporting and change the value to true. (default value is false)
  • If the above mentioned property does not exist, click “New” and add the following property:
  • Name = remarksReporting
  • Value = true

Once the changes are saved, the newly created base views will propagate the Description field by retrieving the column comments.To retrieve the Description of already created base views, click on the “Source Refresh” option available on the “Edit” tab of the base view.

Note: It may take longer to build base views than without the property enabled, this is the reason this option is set off by default.


Connection Properties Recognized by Oracle JDBC Drivers

Source Refresh

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For an official guide of supported features, please refer to the User Manuals. For questions on critical systems or complex environments we recommend you to contact your Denodo Customer Success Manager.


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