Previous editions of the Denodo Technical Newsletter available:
If you have recently subscribed to this Technical Newsletter and you would like to review previous versions, now you can check them in this section of the Denodo Community site.
Upcoming Denodo TechTalk:
Book a slot in your agenda on November 17th to attend the Design Guidelines for Data Mesh and Decentralized Data Organizations TechTalk and understand important design guidelines and best practices that can be used to implement many of the decentralization principles, such as the ones defined by the popular data mesh paradigm, by using the Denodo Platform, powered by data virtualization. Register here.
New version of the Denodo Presto Cluster in Kubernetes:
A new version of the Denodo Presto Cluster on Kubernetes has been released. This version includes a Helm chart and modified installation method to use this chart. Review the documentation here.