Hi Denodo user! Spring is here, and we have some exciting news to share with you in our latest technical newsletter. You'll find new and helpful technical resources, as well as some interesting insights in our Trending Topic section. Don't miss out!
Trending Topic:
Resource Management
Controlling the usage of resources by the Denodo users is crucial to ensure the best Denodo experience. Denodo provides some tools to help enforce policies and ensure fair access for all users. This month we are sharing some useful resources to help Denodo administrators on these tasks.
Denodo Documentation
Let’s introduce the Denodo Resource Manager manual to learn about the tool that allows you to manage the Denodo resources based on some conditions applied to the users’ sessions.
Once you have discovered this tool, it’s time to follow the Workload Management tutorial that will guide you through a practical example on how to use the Resource Manager.
In order to define some restrictions, it is important to get information on the requests sent to Denodo. Check How to log the requests issued on a VDP server article to learn how to define a Denodo view to return information on the queries executed by the server.
Data Catalog Videos › A new Data Catalog Videos category has been added in the Videos section of the Denodo Community including a set of new videos that provide practical examples on the Denodo Data Catalog usage.
The new Denodo Self-Service and Data Marketplace with Denodo course is available. Learn how to embrace a self-service strategy with the help of Denodo’s Data Catalog for building a data marketplace for the business, allowing users to discover the data they need for better data insights. Register here!
Enhancement Requests
Are you aware that you can vote forenhancementsin the Denodo Platform or register new ones in the Denodo Support site? If you have an active support user, check the most recent onesin this link.